My head and my heart

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CHAPTER 10*                                        
"Good morning", I say with a bright fake smile on my face. "How's your model going on?", This boys asks me and I don't think I have talked more than 2 times to him before today. It's the truth people talk to you when they need you and at this time he needs me to know how much better or worse I am doing in my model. I have lost interest in everyone I don't know why. I see people and I go on without caring for anyone. I have started hating company no one really excites me anymore. "Hey partner", Ivan says keeping his arm on my shoulder. "You scared me", I say looking down. "So that boy is your new boyfriend?", Ivan asks me with curious expression and I want to punch him this time. How can he even think about that. I am not like Travis who moves on so easily and I am 1000% fucking sure I am not dating again at all. That shit is not for me. If I can't get Travis I don't want anyone. Without saying anything I move ahead of him and he grabs my hand, the one with a bandage. "How did this happen?", Ivan asks eagerly and I say without thinking I got a minor burn. Now minor burn is serious and I didn't think about it before saying. The excuse should hve been silly. He pulls me to him and asks, "how the hell did you get a burn?", I should have known better and I am already frustrated so I end up saying "Ivan you don't have to make a big deal of everything, it's okay, I am okay. People get hurt, they heal." He has an unreadable expression on his face and then after a second he drops my hand and I realise it was rude so I say, "I am sorry" and move ahead to my class. Today we are required to sketch a house and we are given different net worths and we have to design according to it. Ivan's is 1M$ and mine is 240M$. I wanted less budget I like designing simple places because I have experienced them. I have no idea what kind of a house would a celebrity prefer to live in. Ivan hasn't said anything after what happened in the campus and I am not in the spirits to chase anyone I get a feeling I will be ignored anyway, it's not like I have been ignored by everyone I have met but i believe it now I don't know why. I turn my head to my side and look at Ivan, he seems to be quite determined but then I look in the direction of his eyes. He is staring at a blank paper so intense he could make a hole in it. Then he blinks once and roll his eyes and blinks again, now he starts to turn his head in my direction and his eyes widen slightly when he finds out I am already staring at him. We lock eyes for maybe 3 seconds when I raise my eyebrows and he gets back to stare at his blank paper. I am still staring at him when he checks up on me with the corner of his eyes and lets out a sigh. I get back to my work. I try to create a home where Travis will stay with his rich girlfriend. I draw everything according to what he likes. I check the time on my watch and it has been 3 hours since we started. I look at everyone else and some of them are adding details while others are still doing it. I look at Ivan's place and I notice he is not there. Where would he go in the middle of a class? He never disappears like this. I take out my phone and call him. He picks after 3 rings. "Yeah?", Ivan says and talks quitely to someone. "Where are you?", I ask him with a frown on my face. "I  forgot I had to pick up an old friend of mine today, I have come back", Ivan tells me and asks "what  is it?" but I am still thinking of something unknown and even though Travis hasn't sent me his pics kissing his girlfriend today, I low-key get the same yesterday feeling.

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