For now i am only people watching

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CHAPTER 11*                                            
"Are you dropping out of college?", What the hell is Ivan saying, after Travis architecture is my only passion. "What is it?", I ask knowing the answer most likely. "Well your marks of this semester all depends on the model you are not willing to do." Now's my turn, "You  have guests at your place I thought we were not doing it." "She  is just an old friend she won't even mind, can you come here now?" I get up from my bed and make a hmm sound and say, "Okay bye, see ya" "Bye bye I lov-- see ya" and then he hangs up. I have hundreds of thoughts going on in my mind while I drive to Ivan's. Its Travis ofc, even though he didn't end it well between us I miss him, I miss him so much that his name alone brings tears to my eyes and sometimes missing him is all I do. I want him to come back, I want to be with him once again only if he wants I won't even mind it. It's like he could do every terrible thing and I would still want only him. I love him so much I would do anything for him, anything. I turn off the ignition and when I am about to ring the door bell I hear some sounds in the garden. I walk up there and there Ivan is, with his old friend maybe. She is planting a sampling and it seems like she is not very good at it so Ivan has wrapped his arms around her and is doing almost all the work. The sight makes me a little uncomfortable. Ivan's mouth is almost on her upper ear and as Ivan is guiding her he speaks directly in her ear and even though Ivan doesn't seem like he is seducing her or something by his voice, it sure appears like that. She might be feeling his breath on her ear and she is laughing quite a lot. Instead of moving towards them I walk to my car and call Ivan. I can still see them from here. As soon as his phone rings he wipes his hand and checks the caller id, I don't know why that brings a faint smile on his lips. Just as he is about to pick up the phone I hang up and go towards him. When he sees me he says nothing and just stare at me with his eyebrows very slightly raised and his lips in a thin line. "Shall we?", He nods his head and looks behind him then call someone named Lowen. She gets up from the ground and wipes her hand then she extends one to me. She is beautiful, with doe eyes and with rosy cheeks. Her bottom lip is heavier than the upper one and she has some freckles under her eyes. She looks like a Disney character. We shake hands and Ivan introduces us both. She is Ivan's friend from his school and she is staying with him for a night. She was actually going to visit her parents but they live quite far from her and she is not comfortable in driving at night. They look like the best of friends. She smiles at me and we all go inside. I wonder if it is a good idea to make model at this time. I am feeling a bit awkward now. I keep my bag on the table and examine the incomplete model we made yesterday. Ivan tells something to her and she nods her head smiling brightly and goes to his bedroom. I try not to stare at them but it's almost impossible they seem so lovely. Ivan never told me about her. Now Ivan is coming towards me and sits with me on the couch. He starts saying something about the model which I am not even listening. I can't seem to concentrate at this moment I don't know why. Ivan does a hi-fi with my thigh and his hands stays there for just half a second and then he takes it back. I look up at him and make a sound of "what?" rather than saying it. "What's it? You are not concentrating. "Nope  I am gud, we have wasted so much time let's do it quickly. You sure, your friend won't mind? "She won't, today is her boyfriend's birthday and she just went to call him, she won't be out atleast for 2 hours. I am genuinely surprised now. "She has a boyfriend? I thought you both were in love." "Huh? Why would you think that?" I know I am being a complete idiot when I say, "you look at her with the look of love and she always smiles at you." Now he raises his eyebrows and asks, "How do you know my look of love?" "Isn't it obvious?" I honestly don't know why we are doing this. He takes a deep breath then and says, "Nope it's not at all obvious, Iris. I look at you with love too and it's not like you don't look at me with love, you even smile at me but that won't change the fact that you love Travis with your entire existence and with that our look of love towards each other doesn't even matter, this example is enough to clarify that whatever seems to the eye is not always the truth. Me and lowen have been very good friends and we both would never want more than that, we love being friends." I feel embarassed now, " Kay whatever good do as you like, let's get back to work."

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