Got no idea

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CHAPTER 13*                                                    
"I don't know, sorry; I will call him" I take out my phone and call Ivan, the ring goes on and on and he finally picks up. "Yeah?" "Where are you?" I ask him keeping my tone like I am not interested. "Nowhere, why?" "See firstly we have a model to complete and we can't afford to waste time and now when you are out bring groceries for dinner there is not enough food." "Okay be there". I keep my phone on the table, plug my earpods in, play my “kiss me” playlist. This used to be mine and Travis' playlist but I guess it's only mine now. I get back to the model who will take atleast two weeks if me and Ivan keep the same pace. I am adding adhesive when the door bell rings. I get up to open the door and after opening it come inside without even checking who it was. "It could have been an intruder okay you should check before opening the door" "You should have not left your house in the first place it's safety is neither mine now Lowen's responsibility" " I care about your safety not of my house, there is nothing valuable here". I don't say anything then but I don't know I am getting a bit awkward with Ivan now, I don't even know how to confront him. "Heyy, you are back huh. You and Iris can make your model, I will prepare dinner". "Okay Low, thanks. No offence but you know what I miss your food more than you. Lowen laughs and says, "None taken, don't worry I will satisfy you this Thanksgiving whole heartedly". "Sorry might be skipping this year, I will try my best though" Lowen makes a sarcastic face and shakes her head. Ivan takes the adhesive from my hands and start applying it himself. I stare at him then. Why the fuck did he take it from me. He could have done something else. I pick up the foam board and smooth it with sand paper. Me and Ivan are making a library and till now we haven't even done 15% of it. Something always happens and we are not able to complete it. Tonight we must do atleast 30% of it and it's the double of what we did in past one and half day. We do it quitely till Lowen call us for dinner. Ivan hops off the couch and goes to the table. I trail behind him and sit with them. I wasn't planning on staying but Lowen told me I can't leave because she wants me to try her cooking. She is doing a course in cooking and she is interning in a hotel too. I didn't want to disappoint her, we might never be meeting again so I just agreed. The pasta smells so so good and I realise I have been starving. Lowen asks Ivan where he was and he says he had gone to the beach. When I eat it I realise how I have been eating tasteless food before. It's the best one I have ever had. I tell Lowen and she smiles widely. She is really lovely I like her already. Lowen then says that she has an announcement. Me and Ivan look at her curiously and she is blushing. "I am getting married next month--- Ivan gets up and almost shouts, "you didn't fucking tell me". Then he goes to her and kisses Lowen's cheeks and she grins. I wonder how those lips were on mine a while ago. "You and Iris have to be there a week ago and I don't want any excuses. I know your exams after two months you both have to be there. I look at Ivan and he is just smiling a happy smile and nodding while getting back to his seat. At first me, Ivan and Lowen watch a movie but since she has to get up early tomorrow she goes to sleep. Me and Ivan come in the living room to complete our model. Ivan tells me to play some songs because we were both sleepy. I play “got no idea” playlist and Ivan changes it to “kiss me”. I stop him but he doesn't listen and I am in no mood of fighting. I know Ivan has always liked love songs but at this moment I feel like he is dedicating all to me and I don't know why I that makes me want to cry. We sit there till 3:30 am and complete 40% of our model. After that Ivan brings some chips and we both in no mood of sleeping turn on the TV. Lowen would will be departing at 5 so we had 2 hours. Ivan tells me to select a movie and I suggest my all time favourite 'All the bright places',  Ivan agrees instantly. He hadn't seen it before and when Theodore dies Ivan gets tears and I get them too after looking at Ivan. I pat his shoulder and he looks at me for maybe 2 seconds with an intense gaze trying to say something maybe then his eyes fidget and rest on the screen again and I wonder if watching a suicidal movie at this time was a good idea.

Got no idea:

Kiss me:

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