Chapter 2

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We caught up to Suzanne and the rest of the party, and Sara finally let go of my hand as we entered the inn. I felt a brief pang of loss at the separation, but I understood. We needed to focus on the conversation ahead.

Suzanne led us to a private room at the back of the inn, a cozy space with a wooden table and several chairs. The room's atmosphere was tense, filled with a palpable sense of anticipation.

Once we were all seated, Suzanne cleared her throat. "Rudeus, we have something important to discuss. Please hear us out."

I nodded, trying to keep my expression neutral despite the nervous fluttering in my stomach.

Suzanne exchanged a meaningful glance with Timothy before continuing. "We've been talking, Rudeus, and we think it's time for a change. You've been a great help to us but you also have your own goals in finding your mother-

At that, I could only nod my head as a deep weight settled in my chest. She was right- of course, it really was time for a change. My relationship with Sara and the other members of Counter Arrow had not been part of my original objective, and diddling around in Rosenburg kept me from moving on to the next place.

I'd spent a whole year with them and finally, finally started to become friends, but this was how it all ended.

How could I be so selfish!? Paul is probably out there doing his damnedest yet I'm fooling around because I'm feeling a little lonely and want some friends.

But that wasn't really fair, was it? I mean- Paul had Norn, those people from the Fittoa search and rescue squad who seemed to trust him, Asha and Lilia should probably have made their way to him by now too. Could you blame me for wanting a little companionship as well?

I could. I need to leave. Even they recognise that!

The hand that had been held by Sara trembled slightly as if trying to grasp something before hesitating.

I could feel that process repeat again and again.

"-Which is why we want you to join counter arrow."


"Eh?" I blinked in a stupor, unable to do anything but let them continue."We recognise that you built your reputation by working with other parties I'm pretty sure I was the one who told you to do that when you tried taking on the Luster Grizzlies by yourself but it isn't like you couldn't do that as a member of the team right?"

I mean she wasn't wrong

In case you forgot here are some of the details of working for the adventurers guild• A party can have a maximum of seven members. • Only adventurers within one rank of the party's leader can join the party. • Your party rank is the average of all your members' ranks. • For rank promotion purposes, all party members receive credit for any jobs completed as a party. • Individual party members can still take on jobs independent of the party. • To join a party, you need approval from both the party leader and the guild. • To leave a party, you only need approval from the guild. • The party leader has the right to eject any member from the party. • Should the party leader die, their party is automatically disbanded. • Two or more parties can join together to form a clan. • High-performing clans are eligible to receive a variety of special rewards from the guild.

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