chapter twenty-six.

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I WALK OUT of Nathaniel's office in a daze.

My mind is racing with what he's told me. I can't tell if it is an offer or a demand.

One night with him and my debt is gone, erased, forgotten.

My stomach clenches almost painfully, though I can't tell if it's from anxiety or...excitement. Shame floods me and I keep my head ducked as I enter the main area of the club, hurrying past a few couples locked in compromising positions.

When I burst out into the fresh air, the street is empty and quiet. I tip my head back and breathe, trying to calm myself before I panic.

There is no denying that I'm attracted to Nathaniel. But he's dangerous and trusting him isn't a smart idea. Spending the night with him means I have to be vulnerable, but it also means I'd never have to see him again. And that's a good thing, right?

The door to the club opens behind me and I turn just as Reaper steps out. Concern has hardened his face.

"Are you alright? What happened?" He asks, coming over to stop in front of me.

"I just–" I cut myself off. What can I tell him? "N–nothing." I shake my head and try to walk away, but he grabs my arm—careful to keep his grip gentle—and turns me back toward him.

"Amelia, tell me. What did Nathaniel do?"

I stay quiet for a long moment, trying to figure out a way I can avoid telling him the truth without lying. But he's going to wonder where I am when I don't show up at the club tomorrow night.

"He said that he'll wipe my debt clean if I–if I just..." The words won't leave my mouth.

Reaper's dark eyebrows furrow and he subconsciously pulls me closer to him, as though trying to keep me from Nathaniel's icy, metaphorical grip. "If you what?"

"Spend the night with him," I whisper, feeling a flush warm my cheeks.

Reaper goes completely still, maintaining eye contact with me, not blinking and hardly even breathing. I wait for his reaction with a knot in my stomach. His fingers tighten on my arm, inch by inch, until I am nearly wincing at the strength of his grip.

"He wants you to sleep with him?" He grits out, the rage building with every passing second. It is practically palpable, radiating off of him and making him appear more frightful than I know him to truly be.

Abruptly, his hand leaves my arm and he turns to march back inside the club. I stand there on the sidewalk for only a moment before quickly following him into the pulsing heat.

"Reaper!" I try to call above the chatter and bass of the music, but either he doesn't hear me or he's ignoring me, because he strides forward with purpose. Past the bar, down the hallway, and straight into Nathaniel's office.

Nathaniel is back behind his desk, his phone against his ear.

"I'll call you back," he mutters, then hangs up and drops the cell onto the desk. "Can I help you?" His voice drips with condescension.

"You don't get to blackmail her into sleeping with you," Reaper snaps at him. "That's not fucking happening."

Nathaniel arches an eyebrow and leans back. "I'd almost think it's funny that you're telling me what to do, but honestly right now I don't have the patience for any of this. Get out. Go do your job."

"I'll pay her debt back myself."

What? "No!" The word bursts out of me before I can swallow it, but they both ignore me regardless.

The Sinner's Club [18+] CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now