Whatever our souls are made up of..... bullshit

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CHAPTER 15*                                                            
"That's how you measure it, Any questions?" Everyone wants to get up and leave ofc no one has any questions. I pack my things as the teacher leaves. Ivan has already packed and he is staring as always. "Were you a stalker or something in your past life? Why are you always staring?" He smiles and looks down. "Tell me" Then looks at me again and doesn't say anything for the next three seconds. "I don't stare at everyone, I was a personal stalker in my past life." Now I know it's gonna be awkward I don't know what to say." "You  tired?" How can this person read my mind? Like I was troubled to change the topic and he did it himself how am I supposed to pay back his favours? I nod and get out of my desk. "Need a massage?" "Desperately" As we walk to our another class Ivan gives me the best massage of the world. I think I even moaned. Now Ivan has a different class and me another, after this it will be the end of our day and I will go to Ivan's house for our shitty model. I suddenly feel lonely now, I am not even able to concentrate. It's like I miss Travis all the time but I miss him less when I am with Ivan. I know it's shitty but I think I want to spend my Thanksgiving with Travis I was so excited for it I don't know how to convince my heart it's all over. Travis was the only one I had, only one. The clocks keep on ticking but the bell is not ringing. I look at my watch again and again. I am so fucking bored, I try to convince myself just a month more then we will have revisions and finally preparatory holidays. The bell rings, finally finally finally. Just as I am about to get up I feel a sudden knot in my stomach, what the fuck got wrong now. It feels like there are knots and someone is pulling the rope from the two ends and I feel something drip in between my thighs. Holy shit, I have gotten my period, 10 days prior. This has never happened before and I don't have time to lie down on my bed for two full days I have a model to submit. The whole class is almost empty and I act like I am looking at my phone but I am actually preparing myself to get up. I am wearing a red skirt with a nevi blue waist length zipper and I don't know if I should be thankful for my red lower or complaint it's a skirt. There is no one in the class and I don't have a fucking pad I am afraid if I get up I will make a mess. I need to rush back to my home. I get up with my stomach playing tug of war and as I am about to get out I crash with someone. He seems in a hurry too. I say I am sorry and try to move ahead but the person catches my arm and I suddenly feel the knots tighten. I press my hand on my stomach hear a voice, "What the fuck, Iris?" I turn around quickly then, holy mary it's Ivan. "Sorry I didn't see, it was you" "You were not coming so I came to check" "Thanks  for that, let's go" I get ahold of my arm and walk as quick as I can to my car and I feel something dripping and knots tighting as I sit on my seat. Ivan is so puzzled right now but I don't know how to say it. He gets in my car then. "Did you get your period or what? Am I supposed to be mad right now why the fuck is this person doing all the things which will mess up my heart for the rest of the day? How does even gets to know? I let out a very small giggle and nod. "Change of seats, let me drive. You are probably having cramps." Fuck I wanna die ofc Ivan has always been the sweetest person but this period thing has never happened before. "What about your car? You can't sit at my place and weigh the amount of air present while I do some strange things, I will go myself, thank you really. "It's not at all strange Iris, get up if you don't want me to carry and bring you here. I get out as soon as he says this and he grins. He drives to my place then and I rush to my room. I examine my skirt first there is no stain, anywhere, thank god!! Then I wash up a bit and wear yellow pajamas. I should not wear yellow but my pad will help no worries. When I come out of my room I see Ivan in the kitchen. "What you doing"? He hands me a heating pad, I didn't know I had. "Keep it on your stomach, your cramps will be better and drink this". He hands me a cup of ginger tea then and I say a small thank you. I don't have enough words and energy to say a big one. "How did you find the heating pad? I don't even know where I had kept it" "I searched for it, had plenty of time. I thought searching pad is better than weighing air". I laugh then. "Go lay down somewhere I will prepare lunch, I am starving". "Its  me that's starving, Make some for me too." "Nah" I roll my eyes and go to bed with an uncontrollable smile.

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