EP1: The hidden feels

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As the new school year begins at Harmony High, a close-knit group of seventh graders embarks on their journey through middle school. Coneass, the sociable yet sometimes mean boy, and Bone, his tall, protective friend, struggle with their hidden feelings for each other. Amidst navigating new classes, making friends, and dealing with the typical drama of school life, they are joined by their friends—Caywat, Anderson, Trevor, Paw Patrol, Taxidermy, Sama, Jackie Lad, and Nate—each bringing their unique personalities and challenges. As they bond over shared experiences, secrets start to surface, setting the stage for a year filled with friendship, love, and self-discovery...

Coneass strutted down the hallway, a self-assured smirk plastered on his face as he exchanged high-fives and jokes with his friends. To everyone else, he was just the same old Coneass: confident, popular, and a bit of a jerk when he wanted to be. But beneath that bravado, he was a bundle of nerves, especially when he caught glimpses of Bone, standing quietly by his locker.

Coneass stole another glance at Bone, his heart skipping a beat. Bone looked up, meeting his eyes with a calm, knowing smile. Coneass quickly turned away, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks. He couldn't let anyone see that. It was too risky.

Their friends Taxidermy, Paw Patrol, Caywat, Myles, Trevor, and Anderson didn't seem to care much about the rumors. They all knew about Coneass and Bone's relationship but didn't make a big deal out of it. It was the girls in their classes—Jackie Lad, Sama, and Nate—who always talked about their love, much to Coneass and Bone's annoyance.

"Hey, Coneass!" Jackie Lad called out, her voice timid yet eager. "Do you and Bone have plans for the weekend?"

Coneass felt his cheeks heat up. "None of your business, Jackie," he snapped, trying to hide his embarrassment. Jackie shrugged, her My Chemical Romance t-shirt hanging loosely off her shoulder as she gave him a knowing smile.

Sama, louder and more outspoken, chimed in. "Come on, Coneass. We all know you two are perfect for each other. Just admit it already!"

Coneass's temper flared, but before he could respond, Bone appeared beside him, tall and protective. "Leave him alone, Sama," Bone said quietly but firmly.

Nate, the Garfield lover and fun boy, grinned mischievously. "Yeah, guys, give them some space. Lovebirds need privacy."

Coneass shot Nate a glare, but the boy just laughed it off, returning to his conversation about the latest Garfield comic strip. Bone placed a calming hand on Coneass's shoulder, guiding him away from the group and towards their next class.

"Thanks," Coneass muttered as they walked.

Bone just nodded. "You don't have to thank me. We're in this together."

After school, they headed to the park like they usually did. It was quieter here, away from prying eyes and judgmental whispers. They found their favorite spot under a large oak tree, the branches spreading out like a protective canopy.

Coneass leaned against the tree, finally letting himself relax. He glanced at Bone, who was looking out at the pond, lost in thought. "Hey, Bone," Coneass said softly.

Bone turned, giving him his full attention. "Yeah?"

Coneass swallowed hard. This was always the hardest part. "You ever think about... you know, what it would be like if people didn't care so much about us? About who we are?"

Bone's eyes softened, and he shifted closer, their shoulders brushing. "Yeah, I think about it. But I also think that it doesn't matter what they think. What matters is how we feel."

Coneass felt a lump in his throat. "And how do you feel?"

Bone's hand found his, their fingers intertwining. "I feel like you're the most important person in my life. And I'm not going to let anyone make you feel less than that."

Coneass's heart pounded, the fear and uncertainty melting away in the warmth of Bone's words. He squeezed Bone's hand, finally allowing himself to smile, really smile. "I love you, Bone."

Bone's smile was like the sunrise, slow and brilliant. "I love you too, Coneass."

They sat there, under the oak tree, hand in hand, the world around them fading away. It didn't matter what anyone else thought. What mattered was the love they had for each other, a love that was real and strong and theirs alone. And for now, that was enough.

Across the park, Paw Patrol and Trevor were sitting on a bench, close enough to see Coneass and Bone but far enough to give them privacy. They exchanged a glance, knowing all too well the struggle of keeping their own love a secret. Trevor reached out, gently taking Paw Patrol's hand in his. "One day," he whispered.

Paw Patrol nodded, squeezing his hand. "Yeah, one day."

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