EP10: ski lodge days - 1

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The crisp winter air surrounds Harmony High as Coneass, Bone, Caywat, Anderson, Trevor, Paw Patrol, Taxidermy, Sama, Jackie Lad, Shaggy, Nate, and Mason embark on a five-day adventure at a cozy ski lodge. Excitement fills the air as they arrive at the lodge, eager to unwind and enjoy each other's company in the snowy retreat.

As they settle into their accommodations—a spacious lodge with six rooms, one for each couple and one for Jackie Lad—they quickly make themselves at home. The warmth of the lodge envelops them as they shed their winter coats and cozy up with blankets and hot chocolate.

Day one is all about settling in and getting comfortable, so they decide to spend the evening indoors, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the lodge. They gather in the common area, where a crackling fire casts a soft glow over the room.

"Hot chocolate, anyone?" Sama asks, bustling around the kitchen as she prepares mugs of steaming cocoa.

The group eagerly accepts, their hands wrapping around the warm mugs as they settle onto plush couches and armchairs. The scent of chocolate fills the air, adding to the cozy atmosphere.

"Movie time!" Paw Patrol declares, selecting a classic holiday film from the lodge's DVD collection.

They snuggle up under thick blankets, the soft glow of the fire casting dancing shadows on the walls. As the movie begins to play, they munch on hot popcorn, savoring the warmth and comfort of the moment.

Sama and Shaggy find themselves wrapped up in each other's arms, cuddling and kissing with Shaggy playing the role of the big spoon, his arms wrapped protectively around Sama.

Sama giggles, nuzzling closer to Shaggy. "You make the best hot chocolate, babe."

Shaggy grins, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Anything for my girl."

Meanwhile, Coneass and Bone nestle together on the couch, Coneass finding comfort as the little spoon to Bone's big spoon, their bodies fitting together perfectly as they watch the movie.

"This is nice," Coneass murmurs, resting his head against Bone's chest.

Bone nods, his arms tightening around Coneass. "Yeah, it is."

Jackie Lad, content to have her own space for the night, snuggles into a plush armchair, a smile on her face as she watches her friends enjoy each other's company.

As the movie comes to an end, they exchange sleepy smiles, feeling the warmth and love that surrounds them. Day one of their ski lodge adventure may be coming to a close, but they know that the next four days will be filled with even more cozy moments and cherished memories.

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