Scarlet eyes fluttered open, glazed over with sleep.

Diluc pushed back the covers of his luxurious bed as he stared at the ceiling, exhausted. What was the time? He rolled over and checked the alarm clock. "Shit," he mused to himself. He had overslept and now had a measly ten minutes to get ready. With a yawn, Diluc slid off his bed and began to prepare for his day.

* * *

After walking to The Angel's Share for his shift, he greeted the customers happily before entering the renowned tavern, and heading behind the bar table, awaiting his next customer.

That decision he came to regret.


"Diluc, hey!"

That smug, tanned face Diluc had come to know matched with a snarky walk, a fur cape and hair accompanying his movements.

Diluc's deep red eyes glared at him in annoyance, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Just passing by to see the red grump."

"Really, Kaeya? You come here just to berate me?"

Although the two step-siblings had an undeniable rivalry, Diluc couldn't deny that he cared about him. He quite enjoyed their quarrels, and just laying his eyes on him coaxed a wave of emotions, love hate, care, affection, annoyance... He just didn't know what to think. What to feel.

Diluc sighed, and decided to at least interact with his rival.

"Kaeya, did you need something?"

Kaeya had his usual smirk, posed in a way where he stuck out his right knee and tilted his head, on the side without the eye patch.


"What is it?"

Kaeya smirk widened, and he murmured his answer.
Diluc was taken aback. Why was his brother trying to look attractive today? Yes, he was like this nearly all the time, but not as much as now! And why was he aiming toward HIM, of all people?!? He was his brother!

No matter how much Diluc tried to push away Kaeya, he couldn't deny he enjoyed this bit of flirting. It made him feel warm somehow, and he fought to keep a smile from emerging, pushing it down.

"Which kind?"

Kaeya, being in this mood, absolutely ignored Diluc's question.

"You look surprisingly... dashing... today."

A slight red tinge blossomed on Diluc's face, complimenting his hair and eyes. He attempted to diminish it before Kaeya before he would notice, but his efforts were in vain, as Kaeya approached him and leant on the bar table, his face in his hand, clearly attempting to look attractive.

This fuelled the tsundere fire in Diluc, causing him to react aggressively.

"Don't you goddamn dare."

"Aww, why not?"

"We're brothers, for Barbatos' sake! KIN!"

"We're step-brothers, Diluc. And just because I'm adopted into the family does not mean feelings can be unrequited."

"Stupid Knights of Favonius..."

"I'm not talking about the knights, Luc."

Diluc recoiled at the nickname, irritation taking over.

"Don't call me Luc!"

"Why not? I used to."

"We were children then!"

He was getting increasingly frustrated. Keeping up with the latter's antics was exhausting.

"Get out."

"Aw, you're so riled up, it's adorable."



Hey guys, this is my first Wattpad story, It's going to be kinda short so it won't last unless you guys ask me to write more. The chapters will be short as well.

I write as a hobby, I enjoy writing a lot so I decided to go onto wattpad because yes

anyways, hopefully people find this story


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