one step to the Future

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Taking a deep breath and looking out the window unsure about this feeling cold as a night in the middle of the desert recovering memories and moments he wished to never remember he stood up and walked to the door his footsteps having a special ring he was alone for the longest time living in the cold house or Castle if I may say he opened his closet and changed into a suit focusing on what he has to do
few minutes past for him to be in his car he drove off thinking to himself
"Another boring day I'm starting to hate this routine...but her"
the thought alone made him smile

Arriving at his company
"so famous"
he thought
"yet not an ounce of happiness everyone is jealous everyone is envious"
He walked in the ring that his steps make gets everyone's attention looking at him some look at him with respect and some with envy he didn't bother looking at anyone he just walked into his office after descending from the elevator and requesting his usual Turkish coffee, the guy was never a coffee guy and he doesn't drink any coffee from anywhere else or in other words anybody else he sat on his desk sorting his papers until he heard the usual morning routine that he loves a unique pair of footsteps followed by a soft
"good morning sir"
and a joyful face and she started to ramble
"I apologize for being late with your coffee I didn't mean to actually the elevator got delayed so I had to...."
flustered face looking down
"I had to climb the stairs and rush for the files..."
And she kept on talking and talking but the smile never left his face the best thing in his day is her rambling that's what he thought to himself he cleared his throat and said
"It's alright you should have gotten into my elevator next time don't climb the stairs again ,alright?"
She was shocked shaking her head
"But sir this... It's your personal elevator I can't...."
He tried not to chuckle so with a smile on his face he said
"I can't start my day without your coffee and you are my personal assistant if you're not in the office on time my schedule won't be working so if the elevator didn't work again I want you to get into my personal elevator is that clear?"
She nodded and gave him the coffee
"May I leave? I need to get your schedule sorted"
He approved and took his coffee and started to sip on it while reading his files
That's his usual morning she clearly didn't know how happy it makes him when she rambles while she's in a we live his life alone surrounded by greedy vultures who want nothing with him except for his money it's brightens his day to feel her around but even with his power and wealth he cannot have them the strength to admit that neither to himself nor to her the thing carries on with me her working hard to finish all her required work because even though she's messy but she is the best at her job and he admits that
days and weeks run by until one day something unexpected happened it was a usual morning but the difference not she wasn't there he didn't get worried she usually get late sometimes but after 2 hours of waiting fear started to creep to his mind he couldn't handle the fear of losing her or something happening to her so he bolted out of the company with his bodyguards run behind starting the car and drive like there's no tomorrow and after an hour of mindless search he stopped the car
One of his bodyguards ran to the car and opened the door and yelled
"Sir are you okay?....why did you run like that"
For the first time there he was His head  on the steering wheel crying not sure about where she is or what happened to her after few minutes he started to calm down and said
"My assistant I want you to find her"
The bodyguard gulped and nodded

Why is he crying you ask well let me tell you
5 years ago 23 years old rich and famous Young Man became the CEO of one of the most successful startups he didn't have anyone by his side and those whom he had he cut off for a reason you'll know later as I was saying the young man had so many responsibilities yes he did everything perfectly but the thing that never changes about him is his temper which made him lose so many assistants in 3 months more than anyone could imagine until that one faithful day this one girl bumped into him and spilled coffee on his suit flustered and apologetic she rambled
"I'm really sorry sir I didn't mean to spell the coffee on you I was distracted and... And... And"
She burst in tears which made him nervous....nervous? He didn't think he could feel that yet he just did which made him sigh and hold the young lady's hand and say
"It's alright Miss, sit down and take a deep breath...what's wrong are you okay?"
She sat down with him still crying and shook her head which made him say
"Why? what's wrong? If you would like another coffee I will get you one if that's what made you sad"
Yet again she shook her head he questioned
"Then what's bothering you?"
He started to wipe her face messily and mumbling
"I can't find the job and I'm getting kicked out from my apartment and I got news that my mother is dying if I won't pay for her surgery and it's really expensive and on the other hand I need to take care of my father's funeral he passed away 2 days ago...."
Something inside of him he didn't really know what it is made him look at her and mindlessly mumble
"I can pay for everything you need if you calm down and do me a favor"
She looked at him confused tears stopped raining he sighed again and finished his sentence
"If you become my assistant and do what I asked you to do I can pay for all the expenses that are weighing on you in return of you working for me"
She was confused yet she nodded but stopped for a second and asked
"What type of job is that?"
He explained
"I have a company and because of my bad temper for the past 3 months more than 25 assistance had quit which stressed me out more"
She stood up and started to nod very fast
"Of course we can sign the contract I don't even need a salary please just help me save my mother... And bury my father"
He sighed then shook his head
"Of course not I am not that cruel too not give you a salary I'm going to give you enough money to handle your daily life and in return you're going to do me everything I ask for nothing perverted don't worry"
She chuckled and nodded so he gave her his card
"Here this is my personal number as soon as you can contact me and give me the information about the payments that you need to do and we can talk about your job"
She stood up so suddenly and rambled
"If you want me to start working today I will just tell me what to do"
He looked at her with a confused expression and then looked around and smiled
"First thing first I would like to change this suit if you don't mind or at least clean"
She smiled
"My apartment is close you can come with me and change into my father's clothes and I will clean your suit and get it to you as soon as possible"
He stood up and followed her and after a few minutes of walking they reached a small apartment nothing fancy at all but it felt cozy for some reason it felt comfortable and neat even though it was a bit messy she ran into one of the two rooms saying
"I'll look for something you can change into if you would like to shower you can go to the bathroom"
He walked around the apartment feeling like a giant it confused him in a good way she walked back to him with folded clothes
"I'm really sorry I couldn't find anything fancy I've got you these sweatpants and this t-shirt my father is kind of skinny so this is the largest clothes he has"
he smiled and nodded
"So where's the bathroom?"
She pointed behind him
"There I'll make you something to eat while you change"
She walked to the small kitchen and after a while he walked out
"Well your father's largest clothes are a bit tight for me"
He smiled awkwardly
"Oh sorry this is the best I could find..... Come sit down I made some sandwiches and coffee Turkish like my father likes it I couldn't find anything else..."
He doesn't like coffee but for a second he forgot about it and sat down

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