I'm jealous you're jealous so that's fair

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After a few days Lily urged him to go back to work saying that she has almost recovered so he need to go and check the company situation it took a lot of convincing for him to agree all he did was go to work rush back home for lunch to have it with her and then go back and finish the day at work and then rush back home again to spend time together until they sleep it kept being like that until 2 weeks passed where he allowed her to go back to work
In the morning they woke up took a shower got dressed and went down for breakfast after breakfast they went together to the company when she walked in to her desk there was a girl sitting right there she was confused she turned back and looked at Kayan expecting an explanation
"I need an assistant especially with the loads of work that was left behind while I stayed with you at home so HR suggested to send me one of the employees to be my personal assistant and she is doing a great work"
She frowned and then looked at her up and down she was a girl in her mid 20s hazel eyes long blonde hair a sculpted body shown and seemed by the clothes she was wearing a tight blouse and a mini skirt she frowned even more and looked back at him
"You chose to have another assistant what's my job here?"
He sensed her dissatisfaction so he said
"My office is too big to have one desk so since I got a new assistant I decided to put a desk for you in with me we can spend time together and work together you know the job almost as much as me or even more that's why that's why I decided to make you my advice president if I wasn't around you'll be there to make decisions without waiting for me to sign"
The new assistant walked to the two with a big smile holding coffee in her hand
"Sir I made you coffee"
She squinted and looked at him expectingly for him to sigh
"I told you before I don't like coffee please stop bringing it to me"
Lily turned to the new assistant and spoke
"Can you tell me since when do you get the CEO his coffee?"
"I heard that you usually make him his coffee in the morning so I've been trying for the past few days to get him to have some it's delicious but he refused to try "
Lily took a deep breath and said with the sweet smile
"Honey it's not about the coffee it's about the person who made it trust me he doesn't like coffee he hates it except when I make it to him and I don't think he likes it when I make it but he drinks it anyway because he loves me without me needing to wear tight clothes so it would be appreciated if you stopped trying to shove the coffee down his throat and dressed up modestly which I hope he mentioned to you once or twice but you didn't care to listen so I'm saying it either you dress up modestly or leave the company"
The assistant frowned looking at her then Kayan expecting him to say something for Lily to say
"I promise you he wouldn't say a word against what I said even though my fiance is a scary man but he's polite and respectful to women who respect themselves so don't get your chances to run out because before he reacts I'll snap your neck my love"
He was standing there shocked when she pulled him by his hand into the office and close the door pushing him against the wall with the height difference it was a funny position but her look was deadly a look of jealousy and disappointment
"Why didn't you choose another candidate or a man why did you have to choose this one?!!"
He chuckled and switched the position for her back to be against the wall and lean closer and whisper in her ear
"I love when you get jealous it turns me on"
This time she didn't react she was just angry his words didn't affect her one bit she pulled him down by his tie and whispered in his ear threateningly
"If this woman don't go back to her old job and you get a man or a lesbian or whatever the hell else there is in this damn company I'll snap your neck and hers and bury you in a place where no one could find your corpse and I will be the widow of the CEO"
He couldn't say a thing to answer what she just said after a while of them standing like that the door was opened by the new assistant they both looked at her while she was looking at them then Lily turned to him and said
"Knocking is something we appreciate because it's a sign of being polite so if you don't mind going back outside and closing the door and knocking and waiting for permission to come in"
Kayan was still quietly looking at her talk for the assistant to say
"But the clients are waiting outside"
Lily said screaming for the first time
"I don't give a damn about whatever the hell is happening in here I've been his assistant for the past 5 years the company almost collapsed four times during that time I never barged in like an idiot we had clients who gave us a big jump to where we are today yet again I didn't barge in I politely knocked waiting for MY BOSS to allow me to get in"
He was feeling so many things at the moment he didn't care for a second about the reaction of the assistant he knew that she was purposefully provoking his flower so he left dealing with her to Lily
She walked to her angrily grabbing her by the arm taking her to the elevator and pushing her in pushing the button to the first floor giving her an angry look
"Wait down there I'll deal with you after the clients leave"
She stepped back not breaking eye contact until the door closed and the elevator went down she turned around taking a deep breath when she saw the clients watching the situation she smiled sweetly and said
"Excuse us for whatever just happened if you gave us 2 minutes of your precious time I'll talk to the CEO so you can come in"
The clients couldn't say anything except not obediently at this short yet scary woman standing in front of them she walked inside the office quietly looking at him fixing his collar on his tie then saying
"The clients are waiting outside we'll finish the meeting I'm done we can deal with this situation properly all right"
He shook his head up and down agreeably for her to say
"Go sit on your desk I'll let them in"
She walked to the door leaving him to sit down and said to the clients
"Mr Kayan is waiting for you ladies and gentlemen you may come in"
She turned around for them to follow her some of them whispering to each other they sat down and the meeting started Lily led it surprising the clients with how smart she was with her words and after 2 hours the clients agreed to the deal suggested by her giving the company a great opportunity when one of the clients walked to her and held her hand and kissed it to send electricity down Kayan's spine for the client to say
"This company is lucky to have you I wish we could have gotten you to work for us miss Lily Rose"
With a fake smile Kayan walked to the two holding her waist and saying
"Mrs Lily Rose is a treasure that I would never let go of she's a perfect woman I'm lucky to be marrying her relation we will make sure to send you an invite sir"
The client smiled nervously at the change of the atmosphere surrounding them and nodded agreeably
"We would love to attend"
After the excused themselves leaving the two sitting quietly she turned around giving him a glance then saying
"Jealousy doesn't look good on you you know"
He answered
"It didn't on you either"
She's smirked then stood up
"So we can agree that neither of us is allowed to be involved with the opposite gender?"
He nodded for her to say
"I would love to fire her but I can't get anyone to lose their job I would feel guilty so she can go back to her old position while do you aren't in the company I will be your personal assistant but if you had anything to do outside the company I'll be in charge when I don't need any assistance from anybody is better deal?"
He nodded agreeably for her to say
"Sweet no I'll call the front desk to send that skank up here so we could have a talk"
He pulled her to his lap and said
"Anything you say boss"
15 minutes past one day he heard a knock on the door so he said
"Come in "
The door opened for the cafe guy to walk in with the assistant to see Lily sitting on Kayan's lap she looks at them
"Hey Sam how's it going? "
He answered her with a smile
"All good thanks for asking how about you did you recover? The same goes he ended his own life I would have killed him if I was there"
She smiled
"I'm good thanks for asking I would like to forget about that and him specifically you can leave now we have to talk with this employee privately"
He nodded and walked out for Kayan to whisper
"What happened to our agreement?"
She chuckled as herless lover's tone and answered with a whisper
"He's my friends from high school he knew about the situation you don't need to feel jealous of him he was just concerned for my safety because The friendship we have besides rooted for us for the longest time he was always trying to push me to say something about my feelings for you"
He was stunned she turned her head to look at the assistant and said
"How long have you been working here?"
The girl answer
"A year and a half"
Lily hummed to say
"Okay because of your attitude and behavior we were thinking about firing you but because of the time you worked here and because you probably need this job we've decided to send you back to your old position under the stands of you changing your attitude and dressing up more appropriately to the company you may leave"
She was looking at them not saying a word when he spoke up
"Didn't you hear her? She said you may leave"
She quietly turned around I left the office closing the door behind her when Lily turns to him hugging him tighten and saying
"We don't have much to do today so if we worked together we could finish in 2 hours so you could take me out on a date"
He chuckled and nodded
After they finished their work they went out and had lunch at her favorite restaurant they spent their time eating and chatting when all of a sudden some guy walked behind her which grabbed the attention of Kayan that stood up angrily when the man hugged her and kissed her cheek she was startled by the action that she couldn't move while his looks were drilling at the man hugging his flower moments passed when she snapped out of her shock to turn around and look at the guy quietly for a second before screaming excitedly
She hugged him tightly while Kayan watched the situation unfold in front of him a while past of the two hugging when he cleared his throat announcing his presence to the man then pulling her to him by her waist then he spoke full of jealousy and anger
"Who might this man who was hugging my fiancee in front of me be?"
With a smug smile Elliot extended his hand and said
"Elliot Thomas Jones Lily Rose's older half brother nice to meet you"
Though he understood the guy was her brother yet he still felt jealous that another man was in his beloved's embrace yet do not upset his flower he shook the hand of the guy firmly giving him a sharp glare
"Kayan leo Anderson Rosie's fiance her boss and the CEO nice to meet you too"
The smirk didn't leave Elliott's face when he cupped Lily's face in his hands and said with a sweet concerned voice
"I haven't heard of what happened for the past few years until Jack told me I was pissed at him but I couldn't say anything to him because I was so worried about you I came immediately to check on you"
She chuckled and put her hand on his
"I was the one who told Jack not to tell you anything about what happened even if you knew you couldn't have done anything to help don't worry I'm okay now"
He was standing there feeling like a third wheel between his fiance and her half brother
"Excuse me who's Jack? And what are you talking about?"
She smiled and looked at him
"I have four brothers the oldest Evan then Theo then Elliot and the youngest is Jack my father was married to their mother and after they divorced he took them back to her country where she raised them on her own refusing to let them have a relationship with my father because she heard that he got married and he had the child who was actually me but when I was five Evan was old enough to use the internet so he contacted my father and talk to him secretly without letting anyone know and he introduced me to him and slowly one by one my siblings started to talk to our Father again and they got to know me and I got to know them Jackie who's the youngest older brother is the closest to me so when he heard about our Father passing away and my mother needing a surgery he suggested to tell our other brothers but I refuse to let him because Evan and Theo were already married and struggling with providing for their families and for Elliot right here he just started studying in medical school so he had so many things to pay for so I tried to handle it myself when I met you"
Squeezing her cheeks Elliot said with a disappointed tone
"Don't be dumb you are our baby sister and taking care of the funeral expenses of our father and helping out your mother was part of our responsibility how can I visit my father's grades without feeling ashamed of myself for letting a stranger take care of his expenses while living my life normally"
He looked at the two while raising his eyebrows trying to think of the right words to use
"I admit that your sister did something wrong by not informing you about your father's passing and I understand that it was a stupid decision on her part to try and handle it all by herself but if it didn't happen like that I wouldn't have met her I might have been a stranger back then but now I am going to be her husband I'm glad that she has family to be by her side but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be there for her whenever she needs me I'm just happy that she has someone to walk her down the aisle without feeling that she has nobody to lean on"
The two looks at each other quietly for a moment when Lily hugged Kayan
"I love you so much baby!!!! I'm so lucky to have you in my life and to eventually be your wife I'm satisfied with what life gave me especially the struggles because in the end that means that you were my reward"
After a while the three stood up leaving the restaurant and as they were standing outside some big guy walked towards them with a weird smile which alarmed Kayan and his bodyguards but before anyone could react she gasped and run to him for him to catch her as if she was a doll thrown at him
For Kayan to put his hand up in the air stopping the body guards from moving while he was still shocked trying to process the situation when Elliot spoke up
"This is my younger brother Jack 26 years old"
She was giggling and chuckling while he was holding her up in the air as if she was a child lifted up by her father
"Stop it I'm not a baby!!!"
When he chuckled and said
"You are my baby sister 2 years 20 years 200 years it doesn't matter you will always be my baby sister until you grow old and become wrinkly"
He felt jealous again he's her brother he shouldn't feel jealous but he can't help it he thought to himself
'I'm jealous of her brothers two of them only I don't know what will happen if the other two came'
After a while of playing around he put her down she walked back holding Kayan's arm saying
"Jackie this is Kayan Kayan this is Jackie my fiance my older brother my older brother my fiance"
Elliott was standing there enjoying the expressions Kayan was making when Jack spoke
"So you are Leo Anderson right?"
He nodded
"I am Jack Samuel Jones her older brother and a well-known wrestler and bodybuilder in my country"
Kayan smiled
"I know you Samuel Jones I didn't know you were the brother of my beloved Lily flower if I knew that earlier I would have invited you over for a visit"
Observing The confident guy Jack said
"I worked hard for the longest time but what motivated me the most was that my sister needed my help but when I managed to make a name for myself and enough money she no longer needed my help and that's all thanks to you normally I would have threatened you and made sure that you knew that our Rosie has four brothers to lean on who are not afraid to kill for her but you earned my respect by helping her out and protecting her the best you could so"
Extended his hand to Kayan
"Welcome to the family of the Jones I'm telling you I as the youngest son that I will consider you a brother from now on not a brother-in-law for as long as you keep treating Rosie the way she deserves"
Looking at the hand extended to him Kayan smiled and shook it
"Until the day I die I'll make sure that what's going to happen"
Lily stood between the two shooting glances at both of them and then spoke
"Can we go somewhere else? People are staring and I want to go home and  spent time with you guys"
The three man chuckled at this sweet lady
After a while everyone took a seat on one of the chairs of the dining room table Lily was excited that her brothers finally came to see her in person the two brothers are eating while looking at their little sister while Kayan watched them quietly when she spoke
"When does Evan and Theo come here?"
The brothers were about to speak when Kayan said
"When do you want them to be here?"
She looked at him saying naively
"I want them to be here as soon as possible I really want to see brother Evan and brother Theo and my nieces and nephews!!"
He smiled while nodding and grabbed his phone pushing some buttons sending a text to someone and then putting it back down
"I hope they will be here really soon so are the two of you married? "
Elliot spoke
"I have a fiancee I'm working to fix up a house so we can move in after the wedding so it's taken a little bit of time"
Jack followed
"Not really I'm single I am not really interested in relationships or marriage not for now I haven't met the girl that I would want to call my wife or my woman or anything like that"
Lily said
"Why don't you get your fiance to come here we can do a double wedding Big brother"
Elliot frowned
"That's not going to happen I can't get her to come here before we are married her father wouldn't allow it besides..."
Lily spoke again
"You don't have to worry about anything big brother I'll handle it you take care of what you think is important as your little sister I'll handle everything else okay? just do it for me please you know how much I love you guys and I want our relationship to be as strong as dad wanted it to be"
Elliot sighed
"I can't say no to you you know that the look you give me is my weakness why are you trying to mess with me?"
She giggled
"As long as I can do something for my big brothers I'll do it proudly and openly I'll convince your fiance's family"
Kayan spoke up
"I'll handle everything you don't have to worry about anything baby Rose all you have to do is be there and talk"
She gave him a dumb smile
"You don't know how much I love you do you?"
He leaned closer
"Not as much as I love you"
Jack cleared his throat
"No time for romance we are here we would like some respect from both of you"
She blushed while Kayan spoke teasingly
"Sure but you need to remember the eventually you'll get a lady and if you ever try to have a romantic moment with her I'll ruin it and that's a promise"
Elliot couldn't help but laugh
"I could have never imagined the man who scares everyone in the business world to be this funny"
Lily said
"You need to see him with kids or with Malik it's the best"
Jack asked
"Who's Malik"
Kayan answered
"My younger half brother father was a player too"
Jack bit his lip to avoid laughing while Lily was looking at him stunned and Elliot was just sitting there enjoying his meal
Few days past but Kayan couldn't stop he's jealousy even though he knew they were her brothers but he didn't want to ruin her happiness so he kept quiet while Elliot knew how he felt and tried to confirm to him that they only came to see her because they knew she needed them as her brothers Jack on the other hand kept on taking her out the thing that annoyed Kayan because he has less time with her now on the weekend of that week though the maids and the servants were cleaning around the house while Elliot and Jack were taking Lily out for lunch but when they returned the house was so quiet she felt concerned she started to look around calling for Kayan but she heard no answer but the moment she turned around she bumped into someone she knew it wasn't him because she bumped into him enough times to know when she looked up she went quiet for a second before screaming
Then she hugged him so tightly without saying a word when she heard another voice coming from behind
"I need to feel jealous because Theo is receiving a hug but I'm not"
She slowly turned around to see him
"Hey Lily Rose"
She gasped when he walked closer to her she jumped on him and gave him a tight hug
"Evan!!! I can't believe you came how?!!!!"
Kayan qalk in carrying a little girl that almost look like Lily
"Hey babe you like the surprise? Oh look this is Rosalie your little niece"
She looks at him I started to walk towards him when a woman took Rosalie from his hands she hugged him tightly surrounding his neck with her arms and saying
"I said it before and I will say it again you are the gift God gave me the best gift I ever received in my life I love you so much I love you I love you I love you!!"
Theo spoke
"Now I need to feel jealous don't I?"
Evan on the other hand said
"Come on guys let them be Rosie deserves everything good so let her have her moments with her beloved fiance"
One of the two women whose Theo's wife said
"Yes brother Evan is right besides... Theo Danielle Jones I was thinking that we could invite my brother over after we return home"
Theo's expressions immediately changed shaking his head aggressively
"Hell no no no no no no no no no don't you dare let that man come into my house"
Kayan chuckled and gave her a nod that she returned with satisfaction

We'll see what the next part have for us really soon oh no oh

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