XXIX - Bad Start

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(D-Day) "CatNap.. wake up.. we're gonna be late.."

I whined, shaking CatNap to wake him up.
Ny head is hurting, quite a lot. I was wrong about recovering soon, this might actually take a while to heal.
I kept on pushing CatNap, rolling him all over tbe bed, if he doesn't wake up soon, we're gonna be late..


After a few minutes, I gave up. I jumped off the bed, and headed into the bathroom. I gasped in horror as I saw how red the bandages got. It is still reddish-white, but some spots had a darker maroon color, which meant more blood leaked. Maybe that's why I feel light headed.
I tried to brush my teeth quickly, then got into my school clothes. Still the same hoodies and pants, I'm not feeling like shirts and jeans today.


I get a little worried once I exited the bathroom. Seeing that CatNap still hadn't woken up yet, I panicked. Strsngely, my head started to ache when I paced around..

(Bubba) "DogDay? Oh thank goodness you are already awake. I already asked his homeroom teacher that he will be absent today, so he won't be coming.."
(D-Day) "Wait.. why..?"
(Bubba) "He still has matters with the police. Being gone for one day can't be that bad, right?"
(D-Day) "I supposed.."
(Bubba) "How are you feeling now? There's no time left for breakfast, so Picky made us sandwiches to eat on the go"
(D-Day) "Yeah, I'm good.. C'mon.. I'll miss CatNap.."
(Bubba) "Tch."


(Kickin) "Hey dude! Everything is going to br alright! CatNap is just going to be absent for a day"
(D-Day) "Yeah right, thanks, Kickin.. It's just that.. my head still hurts.."
(Bobby) "Do you need us to take you to the nurse?"
(D-Day) "Ah.! I'll be alright.!"
(Hoppy) "DogDay, it won't trouble us one bit, plus it might even save your life"
(D-Day) "After home room period, please.?"
(Bobby) "Mhm! Sounds awesome! Can't have a friend literally dying here.."

I exhaled deeply, releasing some tension. The vrooming noise of the car engines is just making it harder for me to concentrate.
I only had just swapped out my bandages with new ones, and they are getting damp already. My head frels moist, sticky, and.. a little hint of metallic scent. It's blood, I know, I'm just to weak at the moment.
DogDoze mentioned yesterday that I should stay out of trouble, and avoid deafening noises. Sounds easy enough, but when thinking about it, the school is chaotic.



I waved to the group before heading into the school. It's so strange that we seldom see each other during the school day. I mean, the building itself is big and all, but it just feels.. weird.
I headed to my homeroom and set my bag down.
Once done, my body decided to feel thirsty, and forced me to stand up to go get some water.
I forgot to bring my water bottle today with me, so I'll need to grab one from the vending machine, or drink from the fountains scattered around the hallway.
The fountains sounded disgusting, and water doesn't really cost that much. Except that, the nearest vending machine is in the cafeteria.. and it's far away.

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now