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The atmosphere at Porsche's mom's birthday party was lively and jubilant, with guests chatting and laughing, enjoying delicious food and drinks.

However, Porsche couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered within him.

He had been searching for Kinn all evening,

hoping to see him and finally have a chance to talk to him.

But Kinn was nowhere to be found, and he hadn't responded to Porsche's texts or calls

Porsche was restless, his mind filled with questions and uncertainties.

As he wandered through the party, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of Kinn,

someone tapped him on the shoulder

Startled, Porsche turned around to see Pete,

Porsche: Pete, hey,

Porsche greeted him with a forced smile, trying to mask his inner turmoil.

Pete: Porsche, man, you look like you've seen a ghost. What's going on?

Pete raised an eyebrow, concern evident in his eyes.

Porsche hesitated for a moment before replying,

Porsche: Oh, nothing really. I'm just nervous about whether my mom will like the gift I got her.

Pete chuckled, seeing through Porsche's facade

Pete: Come on, Porsche. I've known you for years. You can't hide things from me. What's really bothering you?

Porsche sighed, knowing he couldn't keep the truth from Pete.

Porsche: I've been looking for one of my fr... friend but he's nowhere to be found.He hasn't replied to my texts or calls either

Pete: Who is that friend of yours that I don't know?

Pete suddenly asked

Porsche: you....you don't know him

Pete's expression softened as he put a comforting hand on Porsche's shoulder.

Pete: Hey, don't worry. Maybe he's just caught up with something. I'm sure he'll show up soon.

But deep down, Porsche couldn't shake off the sinking feeling in his heart.

He longed to see Kinn, to talk to him, to know what was going on in his mind.

Porsche couldn't bear the thought of losing

As the night wore on, Porsche found himself drifting further into his thoughts,

his mind consumed by memories of Kinn.

He remembered the first time they met,

the instant connection they shared,

the late-night conversations and laughter they had together.

He remembered the way Kinn's eyes sparkled when he smiled,

the warmth of his embrace,

the touch of his hand against Porsche's skin.

Suddenly, he heard his brother Tawan's voice, low and soft, as if he was whispering sweet nothings to someone.

Porsche's curiosity piqued,

and he turned to see what was going on.

And there he saw Kinn

Porsche's heart skipped a beat when he saw how handsome Kinn looked.

He knew he shouldn't feel this way, but he couldn't help it.

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