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A light appeared in front of me. It was small, but easily noticeable considering I was surrounded by some kind of void. Was this the light of Heaven? And I was allowed to move on into the afterlife? I hold my hand out to it and the light grows brighter, illuminating more of the void. I begin to walk towards it and the light becomes more blinding, but I keep moving forward. Soon enough, the light enveloped me. 

All of a sudden, I jump up from the ground, breathing heavily. I take a look at my surroundings and see I was on a rooftop? I stand up and walk to the edge, seeing I wasn't that far up from the ground. Seeing a pipe, I climb onto it and slide down onto the street. From what everything looked and felt like, I was alive? 

I rub my head and decide to walk home, not sure what to think of all this. As I walk, I notice a bunch of people looking at me with concern. I don't know why, which made me feel a bit off. I turn the corner and see a reflective window. As soon as I laid eyes on it, I realised why I was receiving so many different weird looks. My eyes were a glowing fiery orange colour and I had black veins surrounding my eyes. And although it was hard to tell in the reflection, I noticed my skin was paler than before, making me look like I was deathly ill. 

Mutasim: What is going on...? I look like a... walking corpse. 

My tone falls at the end as I recall what happened. Bakugo used his Quirk to blast me into the road! And I got hit by a damn car! I actually died! So how am I back to life? My mind runs through all the potential possibilities until I stop on one. My Quirk. Most people learn about their Quirks because they're easily noticeable. But how the hell was I supposed to know my Quirk, from the age of four, would be to cheat death?! 

Come to think of it, how much time has passed since I died? Oh crap... Izuku! Mom! I had to tell them I was still alive! 

I waste no time starting to run down the streets, hoping to get back home as fast as I could. As I run, I notice I'm a lot faster than before, being able to speed past nearly everyone at an incredible speed. Thanks to this speed of mine, I manage to get back home in around three minutes. I pull out my house keys and unlock the front door before entering. 

Upon stepping inside, I'm greeted with mom crying and hugging Izuku. My eyes soften as I see the sight. 

Mutasim: Mom? Little brother? 

The two of them snap their heads in my direction. 

Family: Mutasim?! 

Mom: W-What happened to you?! Y-Your face! 

Mutasim: I... I think I know what my Quirk is. 

Both their eyes widen as they realise what I was getting at. Before mom can say anything, Izuku runs up to me and hugs me tightly. 

Izuku: I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I didn't mean for you to get hit by the car! 

I return the hug, patting his back. 

Mutasim: This isn't your fault in the slightest, Izuku. Don't think that for a second. If that situation happened again, I'd do what I did again in a heartbeat, just for you. 

He buries his face into my chest, doing his best to silence his crying. I rub his back and look at mom who just smiles as tears run down her face. I could tell she was happy to see me still alive and well, making me smile too. 

After discovering I couldn't die permanently, I took up training in physical activities more than usual. I learnt from Izuku that Bakugo also had aspirations to be a hero, to be the new number one hero. But with my Quirk, I wouldn't let Bakugo get to that level. As a couple more years passed by, I already had an idea in my mind about the hero I wanted to be. I had everything sorted out. 

My physical strength was great and I had been practicing exploring my new powers. Not only could I be faster than most other people, I had some kind of sixth sense where I could sense people and be able to distinguish between enemy and friend. 

Soon enough, the world would know me as The Undying Hero: Gravewalker

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