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                                              Song : Shut Up And Drive | Rihanna

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                                              Song : Shut Up And Drive | Rihanna


Morgan swats my ankle, for the fourth time. "Get your damn feet off the dash."

I hiss in pain, rubbing the area. "I'm uncomfortable." I practically whine out, glaring out the window.

I'd be better off as a pebble under the wheels of his car.

The ride home so far was rough, to say the very least. As expected, though I was hoping- praying, even, that he'd worn himself tired with his prior activities.

Of torturing me, that is.

I grunt as the car swerves a bit, gripping onto the sides of my seat. "Can you please drive like a regular person?" Unable to handle his untamed driving skills, I finally force the words from my mouth.

Morgan wasn't necessarily a terrible driver, more of a 'I fear for my life when he presses on the gas', kind of driver.

"Whenever I catch sight of your face in the mirror, I resist the urge to drive off into a ditch." His eyes flick to mine, the greys lighting up as they catch the mortification on my face. "Consider it your doing." They flick back to the road with ease.

Because there was zero point in engaging, I cross my arms and turn my head away stubbornly. It's hard carrying the weight of being such an amazing person.

Was I happy to be stuck in the vehicle with him of all people? Not at all. But as I slow,y felt my mental stability begin to falter, I was thankful for the speed of which Morgan was driving at.

At this point of the trip from hell, all I wished for was the comfort of my own home and bed. Maybe a bowl of cereal, and a stupid movie playing in the background as my mind flies in every which direction, searching for just one thought to ponder on.

My own mind felt like a circus, and I loathed it.

The constant routine I had set in place for my every day life had been ruined, along with any sense of accomplishment and self satisfaction.

In other words, I was miserable.

Which ultimately ended in me pissing off Morgan to find a sense of humour.

Morgan stayed quiet for the majority of the time, and only spoke or muttered a sentence whenever I'd do something that pissed him off.

Which I've come to the conclusion, that when I'm bored I enjoy doing.

My eyes could roll back into my head and stay placed there permanently at the conclusion, because it just meant that I was no better then the brute.

I'd actually latched onto hating Morgan's fury so much, that it's funny when I'm bored.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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