he's still with us.

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The words hit you like a physical blow, your knees buckling as you fell to the floor. Your vision blurred with tears, and a wail of anguish tore from your throat. Yuuji knelt beside you, his hand resting on your shoulder in a futile attempt to offer comfort. "No, no, this can't be happening," you sobbed. "He promised... he promised he'd come back."

You awoke with a start, your breath hitching in your throat as the familiar sensation of cold sweat trickled down your spine. The room was dark, save for the soft glow of the moonlight streaming in through the curtains, casting eerie shadows across the walls. Your heart raced, your palms growing slick with sweat, and you could feel the familiar tightness in your chest begin to build, threatening to consume you whole. This was not the first time you've had this dream, and you prayed to whatever gods were listening that it would be the last. You sat up, wiping the cold sweat from your brow, and glanced around the room, searching for any familiarity that could anchor you to reality. The bed sheets were tangled around you, just as they always were when you first woke up. The wooden dresser beside your bed was still there, adorned with pictures of you and Satoru during happier times. There was the one of you two at the beach, laughing hysterically as you both tried (and failed) to hold up an umbrella against the stiff wind. And then there was the one from your first date, where he looked at you with such admiration that it made your heart swell with love and pride.

It was a rainy night, and you had both been caught in a sudden downpour. Laughing, you had run under the nearest shelter, only to find yourselves huddled together in a small shrine. "Looks like we're stuck here for a while," Satoru had said, his trademark grin lighting up his face. "Not that I mind." You had shivered, more from the intensity of his gaze than from the cold. "Do you always make light of every situation?" He had shrugged, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "Not every situation. Just the ones that matter the most." You had frowned, confused. "And what makes this one so important?" He had cupped your face in his hands, his thumb gently brushing away the raindrops – or were they tears? – from your cheeks. "Because it's with you. And because... I love you." The confession had left you breathless, and before you could respond, he had leaned in, capturing your lips in a kiss that stole your heart.

Reality became a haze, each day blending into the next until you could no longer distinguish between dream and waking. You would hear his voice calling out to you, feel his touch on your skin, only to wake to an empty bed and a heart heavy with grief. But one morning, as the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, you woke to find him standing at the foot of the bed, his white hair gleaming in the soft glow.

"Satoru?" you whispered, your voice catching in your throat. He smiled, his eyes bright with love. "Hey, beautiful. Did you sleep well?"

You reached out to touch him, your fingers trembling with disbelief. "Is it really you?" He nodded, taking your hand in his. "I'm here, love. I promised I'd come back to you, didn't I?" Tears welled in your eyes as you threw yourself into his arms, holding him tightly as if afraid he would disappear again. "I missed you so much." He kissed the top of your head, his embrace warm and comforting. "I missed you too, more than you'll ever know." For a moment, everything felt perfect, like the nightmare of his death had never happened. But as you held him close, a nagging doubt crept into the back of your mind.

You tried to find solace in the company of friends, but even their presence couldn't fill the void he had left behind. Shoko Ieiri, the healer who had been close to both of you, visited often, bringing with her a quiet strength that you desperately needed. One afternoon, as you sat together in the living room, you felt a wave of nausea wash over you. You rushed to the bathroom, barely making it to the sink before you vomited. Shoko was by your side in an instant, holding your hair back and rubbing your back soothingly. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. You nodded weakly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "It's just... everything. The stress, the grief... it's overwhelming." Shoko studied you for a moment, her brow furrowing in thought. "When was the last time you ate properly? Or slept?" You shrugged, unable to remember. The days had blurred together in a haze of pain and loss. She sighed, her hands gentle as she guided you back to the couch. "You need to take care of yourself," Shoko said firmly. "Satoru wouldn't want you to waste away like this." The mention of his name brought fresh tears to your eyes, but you nodded. "I know. It's just so hard." Shoko's gaze softened. "I understand. But there's something else, isn't there?"

part of us [gojo satoru x female!reader][one-shot]Where stories live. Discover now