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Hello and welcome back for book 2 of How you get the girl! 

This is some information about what to expect and a little recap;
1. Bicycle is now in prison
2. Everyone is together except for Speaklore
3. This takes place pretty much straight after the last one ended, no time gap. 

I still haven't 100% decided on the title yet but it'll probably stay as Afterglow. 

Also I made character profiles, so here we are; 

-16 years old
-Kind of immature
-Dating Fearless
-Trauma from being tortured by Bicycle
-Love/hate relationship with Rep
-Really curly blonde hair 

-19 years old
-Not fearless, terrified of spiders
-Not trusted with chairs
-Dating Debut
-Slightly less yeehaw
-also slightly less curly hair

Speak Now; 
-20 years old
-Folklore's ex
-Single pringle 
-Still in love with Folklore 
-Best friends with Red
-A tiny bit yeehaw

-22 years old
-Dating Evermore
-Can and will stalk anyone online
-Always gets into arguments with Rep
-Straightens her hair like every morning

**Ages get messed up from here on**

-23 years old
-Dating Midnights
-Needs to go to therapy
-Reasons with Rep a lot
-Has the iconic bob

-24 years old
-Dating Lover
-Sarcastic as hell
-Would kill for Lover
-Has a soft spot for Debut (because of "the classic bonding experience of being tortured")
-Dirty blonde hair and green eyes
-Wavy hair

-26 years old
-Dating Rep
-Got kidnapped by Karma
-Sensitive and cries when she gets yelled at
-Fried hair from dyeing it
-Tall but shorter than rep

-27 years old
-The therapist friend
-Massive crush on Poets
-Struggles with social situations
-Speak Now's ex
-Evermore's sister
-Good with words

-27 years old (but older than Folklore)
-Dating Red
-Creeps people out by pretending to summon stuff
-Close with Folklore
-Very honest

-28 years old 
-Dating 1989
-Convincing 1989 to get therapy but she also needs it
-borderline alcoholic
-Sleeps in until at least lunch 
-Friends/trauma dumping kind of relationship with Lover

The Tortured Poets Departement; 
-29 years old
-Doesn't know it but she's in love with Folklore
-Hooked up with Midnights once
-Dated yoghurt boy, just moved from London
-Newest addition to the group
-Uses humour as a coping method and internalises her problems


-45 years old 
-Tortured Rep and Debut
-In prison

-25 years old
-Rep's sister
-Also in prison
-Bleached hair

-29 years old
-Poet's twin
-Lives in Canada 
-Hates her name 
-Despises Poet's being happy

I hope you enjoy it <3 

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