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well first time movin eh? as you looked at your now empty room as your little brother entered. "nikki?" your little brother called out. "yeah, lil man?" you asked as you still looked at your empty room. "are you okay?" your little brother asked with slight worry in his green eyes. "im okay lil man!" you said as you ruffled his hair. "welp lets go to the pick-up truck" you said as you suddenly carried your little brother over your shoulder making him squeal in excitement. "nikki! put me down!" your little brother said as he tried playfully punching your back which didnt work. "what? im just carrying you? i thought you hated walking" you said playfully making your little brother give up as you walked to your dad's pick-up truck you placed your little brother inside the truck and sat next to him. "kids are you ready?" your mom asked. "yup, ma" you said. as the truck started to move and drive away from the your little brother laid on your lap as he mindlessly dangled around your cross necklace.

few hours later

you fell asleep with your little brother sleeping on your lap. "kids! time to wake up!" your dad said as he kept shaking your shoulders which is common for that to happen. "h-huh? oh yeah" you woke up first and then gently woke up your little brother as he slowly open his eyes. "are we there yet...?" your little brother asked as he looked up to you, which you nod in response.

few hours later

you did most of the helping move in the things since you were stronger than your own dad but that didnt matter, now currently you were tiredly lying on the couch with your little brother sitting at the other end of the couch. "hey kids" your dad said as he got infront of you and your little brother. "wut?" you asked confusingly. "you said there was multiple bullying at your old school right?" your dad asked. "yep and im tired of being bullied" you said tiredly. "well you two going to 'paper school' tomorrow " your dad replied making your little brother yelled. "WE ARE?!" your little brother asked making your dad chuckle. "you are lil champ" your dad replied as he ruffled both of your little brother's hair and yours. "oh, okay" you said as you looked up at your dad. "well we already told the principal that you two are sharing every class so no need to worry of lack of eachothers presence" your mom said as she was behind the couch looking down at you. "alrighty" you said as you fell asleep...


no words to say


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