Lost & Found

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Under different circumstances, Ghost might have said that the sight before him was exceptionally beautiful and calming. Snowflakes swirl around him, settling on his team's hats and uniforms.

If he ever decided to leave the Task Force and start a normal life, this is how he would want to live. Buy a house in the mountains and spend every evening by the fireplace, looking at the snow outside the window.

But now it's not as pleasant as he would like. Despite gloves, a hat and quite warm clothes, the cold seeped into his bones. He won't last much longer, nor will any of his companions. They need to find some shelter.

He doesn't know how long they had to walk to find this barely holding-together village. Most of the cottages look as if the next snowstorm might destroy them, and there are at most five of them in the area.

They enter one of the more well-kept houses, looking for warmth and a moment of peace. It's unusually warm here and his tense body, although still shaking, begins to relax slightly.

He looks around as his friends have already made themselves comfortable in what looks very much like a living room.

"Guys-" his voice trails off as he hears the gun being cocked behind him.

He knew it was too good to be true.

"Guess we're not alone here" he muttered, slowly raising his hands up in surrender.

His voice is slightly irritated, despite the fact that he is the one who trespassed on your territory and the one who has a gun to the back of his head.

As they held the gun to the back of his head, all of his comrades froze in place. "Who are you? How did you find me?" She says trying to sound threatening as she held a gun to a man almost triple my size.

The man in front of Y/n looks like a real mountain of muscles. His hands are huge and covered with large muscles, and just by looking at himY/n can tell that he's incredibly strong. There is no fear of death in his calm face.

"It's quite a long story," he says with a sigh, feeling the barrel of the gun press into the back of his head, "but if you could stop pointing a gun at the back of my head we could discuss everything like normal humans."

"Sit—" She clears her throat to try to sound more menacing "sit down on the couches with your buddies. Slowly. No one make any sudden moves"

Ghost lets out a sigh as his hands fall limply to his sides. He gives a short nod.

"Sure thing" he says and slowly, without making any sudden moves, sits on the couch near his friends.

as Ghost sits, he finally gets a good look at me. She is a short woman, the gun shaking slightly in her hands as I pointed it at the big man and his 3 also large buddies.

Ghost has to physically stop himself from rolling his eyes in annoyance. Not only is it a woman with a gun to his head, but she looks completely helpless. He might not be a genius, but he's sure he can get out of this situation. He just needs an opportunity and the right moment.

"How about you lower the gun, sweetheart? I won't touch you, I promise."

My finger goes to the trigger "don't move." She says as she points it at him "please" a small desperate plead

"Hey, it's fine" he said calmly, his deep, gravelly, slightly hoarse voice surprisingly soft for someone who looks like him.

Even he was surprised at how gently he spoke to this woman who aimed a gun at the back of his head without any hesitation before she even saw his face.

"Let's talk" he sighed and gave a slight nod, "but you gotta relax. I won't hurt you"

"Your— your guns.." She nervously and panickedly stumbled with her words. "Slowly take them out and place them on the floor in front of you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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