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You're safe. No one will hurt you.

Atabey could hear her grandmother's voice

The goddess will protect you.

White sheets covered the mirrors.

The blue and green glass bottles still hung from the branches.

Evil cannot enter this home.

But Atabey's soul told her....

Something else.

The wood floors creaked as she walked the floor of Sylvia, her grandmother's, home. It was well into the night. The time on her grandfather's old pocket watch read 2:59 am.

The rain spattered against the window pane. The lightning lit up the sky, casting purple and indigo against the clouds. These were the nights her grandmother would tell her,

"Goddess Aaerie is talking. Be still and listen."

Sleep didn't find her easily these days. Her heart is still aching for her grandmother. Her last days filled Atabey with pain as she watched her slowly slip away. Muttering to herself about evil in the shadows.

Atabey would braid her hair as her grandmother would rock herself back and forth, whispering prayers, and singing. Her last words were, "Keep the devil in the night. Keep the Goddess with you. Always." as she passed her a silver necklace, covered in blessed oil.

Atabey didn't know what she was talking about, but her blessing made her feel safe.

But her soul told her....


The sound of her name chilled her bones. Where did it come from? She was here alone.

Atabey. Come to me baby.

Atabey's heart beats faster and faster. She crept to the front door. Her hands shook as she reached for the knob. She slowly opened it, the wind immediately sweeping her nightgown into the breeze. The rain poured, slightly obstructing her vision.

But she could see a figure standing at the end of the end of the walkway. The lightning struck and she could see his slim figure. He was wearing all black. His light colored hair shone bright in the moonlight.

It was almost like he was standing right in front of her.

Sweetheart...Sweetheart, come here.

The wind carried his voice to her ears. Her body dared to move closer to him.

Sweetheart...Come here. Now.

Her feet crossed the threshold of the house. The rain soaked her nightgown, the wind chilled her bones. Atabey's mind was blank. She could only see him. She could only hear him.

That's it. That's my good girl. Come to me, baby.

He held out his hand to her. She was so close.Her fingertips grazed his palm. The silver necklace around her neck burned, snapping her from her trance. When lightning struck again, Atabey could see his wicked grin. The lust and desire in his dark eyes made her blood run cold.

Don't be afraid, baby.

Her voice failed her, as fear overtook her body. Atabey turned, and ran as fast as she could, back to your grandmother's house. She could see her grandmother. She was standing in the doorway, arms open wide for her.

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