Part 8

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You got back up to your room, your head still not fully comprehending everything at all. You don't even remember falling asleep. But that doesn't mean that your subconscious wasn't going to have a hell of a time trying to figure it out, the best way that it usually did, through dreams...

You roll onto your side in the bed, opening your eyes slowly when you look over at the other bed that Vessel had been occupying next to you on tour. And you saw that he wasn't there. You listened carefully to hear any sounds from the bathroom and heard nothing. You slowly got out of bed and noticed that your room had a balcony.

Maybe he was out there?

So you walk towards the sliding door and open it feeling the night breeze hit your face. You poked your head out and saw no one was there> But there was a cute little patio set with a table and two chairs setup if you wanted to sit outside. You shrugged your shoulders and went to sit down on one of the comfy looking patio chairs, when out of the corner of your eye you thought you saw movement in your peripheral vision. You looked to your left and saw nothing except the next hotel room and their patio that was next to you.

You turned back around and had the urge to shriek at the surprise but held it in seeing Vesel standing in front of you. Full concert wardrobe mode which was kind of odd to you since you thought you had woken up way after the concert would've ended and everyone would be already in bed.

"Hey, what are you doing?" you question as you were still clutching your chest at the suddenness of his presence. And due to the darkness you couldn't tell if he was staring at you or not.

You couldn't even tell if he was breathing as he stood there. And the longer he didn't respond the more uneasy you felt.

"Vessel?" you asked, trying to get his attention as he moved his face up and all you could see was the black paint still covering his body and the mask covering his face. But what made you take a step back in retreat was his face. Or the bottom of it covered in something, something sticky and red. And you wanted to not think it was blood but from the amount of it it gave off a distinct smell.

You turned away, your hand on the sliding door handle as you felt his body pressed against yours and spun you around holding your jaw in one of his hands to turn your face. And that's when you saw it. The other balcony that you had glanced at earlier. At this angle you could see figures on the ground. You squinted your eyes in the darkness to try and make them out better.

A gasp came from you, completely and utterly out of your control as you realized that you were looking at. The other band members laying face down on the ground, blood surrounding them.

You felt Vessel's hand jerk your face up, as you tried to get your hand to push him away from you. As you tried to push against him you felt no give, he was stronger than you as he simply moved closer to you. Using his other hand to pin your hands against the glass sliding door.

He leaned his face closer to yours as you felt his warm breath against your ear.

"You think you can figure it out, but you won't. I'll make sure of it," he said before you felt the sting of him biting into your neck as you screamed, feeling your body grow weaker by the second. And you felt his lips curl up in a smile as you looked out into the night as saw dark edges form in your vision before you passed out.

You woke up clutching your neck as your eyes scanned the room for any danger. Your eyes stopped on vessel's form in the bed next to yours. He was facing away from you, blankets seemed to be wrapped around his entire body like a cocoon.

You grabbed your phone from the nightstand with a shaky hand. Your mind just replaying the nightmare over and over again. And his whispered words of not being able to figure it out? Whatever that meant.

You clicked on your phone and saw that it was 3am. You groaned lowly to yourself as you got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Maybe some cold water on your face would do the trick? That or that trend of an ice plunge but considering the time of night you didn't exactly want to be walking the hotel halls alone in search of an ice machine. With the added point that you would most definitely wake up Vessel. Considering the nightmare that you just woke up from you didn't want to do anything to provoke him. Because you both still didn't know what that episode was, which was why your nightmare felt so familiar to you.

You shook your shoulders as you walked into the bathroom flicking on the light as it sputtered and flicked a few times before it came on fully. The bright LED lights made you squint and close your eyes for a second to adjust to the lights as you took in your appearance. From the disheveled hair to the slight purpling under your eyes due to lack of good quality sleep while on tour, you looked like a nightmare yourself.

You turned on the faucet, cupping your hands under it to collect some water. Leaning over the sink you splashed water onto your face. Giving your system a shock. But that's what you were aiming for.Something to distract you from your overthinking about the nightmare. Because after all, it was just a nightmare and your subconscious's way of trying to figure out what was going on from the most current events that had been going on in your life.

You looked into the mirror again, and your reflection. Your face was slightly wet from the water. You dabbed at spots as you took a few calming breaths to try and ease the anxiety that was working its way through your body. As you looked behind you and saw Vessel standing behind you, in full concert garb and makeup. The multi-eyed mask looked at you with a slight tilt to it as you opened your mouth in surprise as you felt his arms suddenly go around you and you screamed.


You felt someone over you in bed shaking you? You opened your eyes and saw Vessel leaning over you, his hair sticking up in spots as he looked down at you, concern and worry written all over his face.

"You were screaming in your sleep and thrashing around in bed, are you ok?' he asked as you noticed his hands hadn't left your shoulders and instead gave what you thought was a reassuring squeeze as if to remind you that you were really here and not still asleep.

"Yeah I'm fine. Well, not really I had a nightmare. That apparently I hadn't woken up at all like I thought I had," you said slowly as you looked over at the nightstand where the hotel clock's digital face read 3am.

Just like in the nightmare.

You looked back up at Vessel for a second as he pulled away from you and went to sit on the edge of his bed.


"Nope, before you say anything about not involving me, you said you've been having nightmares for weeks. Dark ones. Mine was just the same just now. The bodies, the blood," you said as you looked over at him. He was leaning forward, his hands on his knees, his eyes focused on his lap.

"There has to be a connection right?" you asked, knowing you both didn't even know what the hell was going on. But you knew that you had to get at least the rest of the band on the same level of information as you. With what Vessel was going through. Because you knew that if he suddenly snapped like he did with you, but onstage that wasn't going to end well.

"I don't know, all I know is that I was fine one minute and the next I lost a huge chunk of time," he said.

"I know you think the less people know the better but I really think letting at least them know would be helpful. Plus, they were there with you. I wasn't, maybe they can give some insight even if they think you were acting like you in the moment," you said as he looked up at you.

And all you could picture was from the nightmare and his face that wasn't covered by the mask covered in blood. The blood of his bandmates.

The Summoning - Sleep Token, vessel x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now