Chapter 1 Princess Of Waffle Town

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I am Princes Fiona and I am on the search for love and adventure, but it's so hard to find my Prince charming when all the males around are poor peasants. *Sigh*

  "All I want is someone that is royal and charming" - Princess Fiona

  "Hello my lovely princess" *smile*; "What's troubling my little princess?" - mother

  "Mother, I've been thinking about going outside of the kingdom in search of a Prince, because I want my Prince charming just like how you found yours." - Princess Fiona

  "Oh my dear baby are you still talking about that, you are a princess and you want not of anything, everything you need is right here, you are royalty,you are a princess and most of all you are my baby, how do you think I would feel hmm, if you were to leave me?....... who would keep me company in this big and lonely palace?" - mother

  "Mother I don't want to be limited to this region like you, I want to explore and try it all." *smile* - Princess Fiona

  "My darling you know not what the world have in store for you, the world is a dangerous place for a princess, you know not what lies beyond the gates, deception, murder, stealing, hypocrisy, criminals, thieves, your too innocent for the world why don't you stay with me and let me protect you, you know mother knows best, you know I'm right and you always listen to me, why are you rebelling against me?"- mother

  " Mother I-I dare not " - Princess Fiona

  *smile* "Good you are safer here with me, I'll keep you safe forever."- mother

  " Mother some people says that your brainwashing me but I disagree I strongly believe that you have my best interest in heart, you love me and always protect me, they just don't know what your truly like" *smile* - Princess Fiona

  "Your right baby, no one truly knows another's heart or true intentions until they reveal themselves and show there true colours, you must also look out for people like that don't be naive to manipulate and disrespect, your royal and no one should degrade you. "-Mother

  "Hey! How are my two favourite women in the world doing right now?"- Father

  " Greetings Royal father " - Princess Fiona

  " Hey sweetheart why are you so formal? ... come here." - Father

  I ran as fast as my legs could take and jump into his arms, I haven't seen my father in 6 months

  *sobbing* " Dad don't ever leave us alone like that again, I've missed you so much dad" - Princess Fiona

  " Ive missed you both so much I've been dreaming about the day I will see both of you again, wife did you miss me?" - Father

  " ofcource I did I prayed every night for your return"-Mother

  " Really god must have brought me back safely to you both. " - Father

  " Dont make jokes like that, god or novgod you will always return to us both."- mother

  " Dad don't leave again, I don't want to miss you like this anymore. "- Princess Fiona

  " Aww sweetie you know I have to leave for military and royal alliance purposes, I feel so offended that you don't want to miss me anymore. "- Father

  " I-I didn't mean it like that, I- " - Princess Fiona

  " stop mocking her" - Mother

  " ha!ha!ha! I'm sorry, let's retreat for now. "- Father

  " Hold on royal father " - Princess Fiona

  " What did I tell you about formality? "- Father

  " uhm - I'm sorry, I mean dad, earlier I was talking to mom about-" Princess Fiona

  " darling aren't you tired?" -Mother

  " As a matter a fact I am but tge princess has something to say, go ahead sweetheart." - Father

  "but honey-" - Mother

  "let her speak, king orders, go ahead sweetheart "- Father

  " uhm- father I was telling mom that I would like to travel outside the kingdom to find my Prince charming, I would like to receive your blessings."- Princess Fiona

  " I thought we talked about this, we agreed you'd drop the topic. "-Mother

  " It's okay, I give you my blessings. " -father

  " what?!? "- Mother

  " Really? yes "-Princess Fiona

  "Your majesty I think you should re-think your decision this a princess that has never been beyond the gates, ive never been beyond the gates either, she wouldn't last a day on her own, this is our baby were talking about here your only child, how can you be so heartless? shes all I have"-Mother

  " You can go now daughter, woman let's talk in the Thorne room" - Father

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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