264.Bad mood

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Kai offered to escort her out of the hospital but Jennie politely denied his offer. She did not want to disturb him during work.

Kyungsoo was still standing outside the office room when she came out.

While they were talking, they did not notice a pair of observant eyes on them.

It was none other than Joy, Taehyung's secretary. She was standing behind a wall at the end of the corridor. She recognized Jennie at the first glance, the woman for whom she was reprimanded for the first time.

Ever since that day in the restaurant, Taehyung has been cold towards her. Not that he has ever been a kind or warm person and she was used to his indifferent side. She knew he was exactly that type of person and she was fine with it.

But it was not until she noticed the way he was behaving with this woman did she realize that he was not a cold and unfeeling man but his soft side was only shown to few people. He clarified that she was his friend but Joy did not believe it.

As if that emotionless man would ever bring a friend out for dinner, not to mention that he had those adoring eyes whenever he glanced towards this woman.

Although he did not confront her about whatever happened that day, but she could tell that he was indirectly warning her.

It has been a few days since she was working overtime because of the piles of workloads that have been handed over to her.

The group of assistants was granted a holiday while she had to do everything by herself.

Joy could sense it was Taehyung's warning. She has worked under him for a very long time, how could she not know his indications? He was showing her the place she belonged to and letting her know that she should not mess with this woman.

Joy glared at Jennie who was talking with Kyungsoo, her eyes burned with undisguised hatred. She had loved Taehyung for a long time, how could she bear him loving someone else?

"Miss. Joy, is there anything the matter?" The nurse behind her whispered when she saw Joy behaving so strangely. She could not understand why she stopped her from walking ahead.

Joy turned back to look at the woman, her eyes flashed with interest as she whispered something into the nurse's ear.

"But Miss..." The nurse hesitated a bit. Wasn't it a big risk on her part?

Joy smiled elegantly, "You should know it is going to become the truth soon, so practically you are not lying. I'll remember you if you complete the task and you'd be getting better benefits in the future," She removed her diamond earrings before handing them to the nurse.

The nurse's eyes glowed with greed. She quickly accepted it. Who did not know that there was more to the relationship between President Kim and his secretary? President Kim has never been linked with any other woman, so Miss Joy must be the special one in his heart.

"You're smart," Joy complimented the woman even though her heart was bleeding at the loss of her diamond earrings. She had spent 3 months salary to buy it.

She took a deep breath to calm down. Bigger investments lead to bigger achievements, she reminded herself.

She glanced at Jennie with a bone-chilling glare, 'Poor lady, you should not blame me for being ruthless. Instead, blame yourself for being getting in my way. Taehyung is mine, he can only be mine.'

She nodded at the nurse before leaving the place quietly.

Unaware of the issue coming her way, Jennie was busy talking with her bodyguard, "Have you had lunch yet?"

"No, Young Miss," He was about to eat his lunch when she decided to come to the City Hospital. So, he had to skip lunch to accompany her to ensure her safety.

"Do you mind accompanying me? I'm hungry," she said. Looking at the man who was hesitating, she added, "Don't talk about royal rules and how servants are not allowed to dine with masters. I'm starving right now, let's go."

Since she remembered that she had to fetch the documents from Kai, she left without having breakfast.

As they walked towards the elevator, the nurse was about to bump into Jennie when Kyungsoo shielded her with his body because of his fast reflexes. The nurse staggered back looking at the handsome man.

Even though the man did not have that devilishly handsome looks, but he was what they described as tall, dark, and handsome, and his looks made him look like an army man.

The nurse was dazed as she looked at the man in front of him. She even forgot the mission for a few seconds.

"What do you want?" Kyungsoo coldly asked to which the nurse snapped out of her daze.

"Ah...I lost balance. Sorry," She bowed before walking down the stairs.

"Let's go, Young Miss," Kyungsoo turned around to look at Jennie before pointed towards the elevator.

Jennie nodded but just as she was about to turn around, something caught her attention. She glanced at the ID Card lying on the ground before picking it up. It belonged to the nurse that bumped into them earlier.

"Young Miss, how about we hand this over to Dr. Gu?"

"Let's not bother him. I think the nurse would not have gone far," Jennie walked towards the stairs as the bodyguard followed after her.


"You...What do you think? Is President in a bad mood?"

"How would I know? He has fired two directors and three employees from the finance department?"

"Who knows whose turn is next?"

"God...I got a fright when President Jeon walked by my side with that freezing temperature surrounding him..."

The staff gathered beside the private elevator gossiped amongst themselves.

"Arrgggghhh..." Right at this moment, a woman ran out of the President's office while tears streamed down her cheeks. She was holding her right hand as she wailed miserably.

Looking at the delicate face of the woman, the men gossiping in the corner couldn't help but feel a sudden streak of sympathy.

"Assistant Choi, what happened, why are you crying?"

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