angel baby

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CHAPTER 16*                                                  
"Wake up, partner" Hmm I make a sleepy sound. I didn't realise when I slept, I was hungry I wanted to eat but here I am sleeping on my stomach with two pillows under me and both of my arms under the pillows. I don't remember putting a comfittor over me and I don't know what time is it. "Get up baby", I feel something in myself on hearing this. Travis had never called me baby and it's funny I reacted so unusually on hearing this. For Ivan baby is an adjective he calls everyone that. I get up slowly then but I know I might be looking very shitty so I pull the comfittor over my head as I sit with my legs crossed. I need to change my pad too. "What time is it?"  "6:30". Fuck, I get up from my bed still wrapped in a comfittor and start to go towards the washroom when Ivan pulls the comfittor over my head. After making a sound like "ughhh" I go the washroom. When I come out Ivan is not here and my comfittor is on my bed nicely folded. Honestly I have never folded it. I go out of my room and ask ivan if he had eaten everything or there are some leftovers. He replies there are. He opens the fridge and takes out two bowls of biryani and heats them. I simply stand and stare at him. "Go sit, I will bring it" "That's okay" I see him coming back and then he says, "okay I will just carry you back first" I go back after showing a middle finger to him. After a minute he brings the bowl and I am starving like I haven't eaten since maybe 3 months. It looks so delicious my mouth practically waters. I take the first bite and and lean my head back on the sofa while closing my eyes and  make a sound like "mmm". I hear him giggle. "I was dying of hunger seriously, you should give me your bowl actually you have already eaten it's all mine now."  I make a dramatic face like mocking him. He does that "uhhuh" and says, "I am dying of hunger too." Since when do you have such a bon appetite, you are like the one who is patient enough to skip the middle meal, how come you are having two? Actually I understand it's so delicious you can't help it. "  "It's my first dumbo" Now I have gone in a coma. Ivan waited for me, he fucking didn't eat because I was sleeping. "What? Were u weighing air? Did you get so busy in it?"   "Umm  yeah, it was very interesting, look towards right"  "You are sitting at my right" "Okay look to my right" I look to my left and then get to know what he was doing in the last three hours. "I went back to bring our library and utilised my time instead of weighing air."  "You could have still eaten" Ivan is quite now with his mouth slightly open as if he is thinking if he should say a particular thing or not. "I wanted to eat with you" I feel like there is an earthquake inside me. "Hey, I am getting extra credit for the model since I did it alone in the last three hours" I know what he is doing now and go along with it, "what do you mean extra credit, I did it alone too when you were chilling at the beach" He rolls his eyes and gets up to keep his empty bowl. Mine is almost finished too but I want more and I don't know if there is more. I get up to keep mine when Ivan shows up with more. I should call him santa claus actually. He puts all that's left in my bowl without even asking me and I enjoy the privilege. Then he fills a bottle of water and keeps it on the table. I finish my bowl and come back to get back to the model. Ivan has already started and I think we might just finish it in four days and then we can start with revisions. No more wasting time and that even means no more spending the entire day with Ivan. I go back with an uneasy feeling.

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