Fuck me more

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Chapter 17

I lie on my bed with my eyes wide open, tears glistening. I've awoken from the midst of a dream, and now I can't seem to regain control. My breathing is ragged, and despite the autumn chill, sweat beads on my temples and neck. Clutching my pillow tightly, I wrap my arms around myself, unable to shake the longing. "I want him back," echoes in my mind like a relentless mantra. Tears trickle down my cheeks, tickling my skin as they make their journey. I don't laugh; I just stare into the darkness, finding solace in its embrace. A flashback seizes me, a rare occurrence. It transports me to a time when Travis and i had sex the first time. He had accompanied me to a new city, his presence a reassuring anchor in my sea of anxiety. Hand in hand, we stepped into a meticulously arranged house, a haven awaiting our exploration. The first room overwhelmed us with its beauty—a sanctuary adorned in silver hues, reminiscent of a fairy tale. The bed, grand and inviting, seemed fit for royalty, beckoning us to lose ourselves in its embrace. 

I remember Travis whispering in my ear, his words painting a future of blissful togetherness. "We'll sleep with our kids here," he had murmured, igniting a blush that set my cheeks ablaze. With a playful retort, I teased, "Kids won't just appear from under the bed." His response, laden with promise, sent my heart racing. "They'll appear in the bed," he countered, his words laced with desire. In that moment, I kissed him with a fervor born of desperation, pouring every ounce of longing into the embrace. As our lips met, I felt his smile, a silent affirmation of our shared desire. Barely a whisper escaped my lips as I dared to vocalize my deepest yearning. "Shall we try?" His response, a resounding "Uhhuh," fueled my desire further. "Please," I pleaded, my breath mingling with his in the space between us. With a kiss that spoke volumes, he conveyed his passion, leaving me weak at the knees. As he lifted me effortlessly, I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms securing his neck in a fervent embrace. "If you're so desperate for me," he teased, his laughter a melody that danced on the air, "I'll give you what you want, but I have a condition." "Anything, baby," I responded, intoxicated by his presence. His proposition, unexpected yet tantalizing, stirred a smile upon my lips. "We're not doing it in bed," he declared, his tone playful yet firm, "we're doing it against the door." "I don't know if I'll be able to handle it," I confessed, my anticipation palpable. "But I can handle it, don't worry," he assured, his confidence infectious. With a smile, I began to unbutton his shirt, each movement laden with anticipation. In response, he deftly unzipped my frock, his touch sending shivers down my spine. As my bra fell away, his lips found their mark, igniting a fire that consumed us both. In that moment, time seemed to blur, our bodies becoming one in a symphony of passion. His touch, electrifying and tender, left me trembling with pleasure. Later, on the porch, we repeated our fervent embrace, our bodies entwined in a dance of desire. I remember the coffee table, a silent witness to our passion, now a relic of a love lost. As the sun rose, casting its golden light upon us, I felt a pang of longing. With each passing moment, I clung to him, reluctant to let go. When he left, a piece of me went with him, leaving behind an ache that seemed to consume me whole. Many nights, I found solace in the memory of his touch, tracing the contours of my body in a futile attempt to fill the void he left behind. Yet, with each passing day, the ache persisted, a silent reminder of all that I had lost. Now, as tears cascade down my cheeks, I realize the truth: without Travis, there is nothing. As I weep into my pillow, it becomes a surrogate for his embrace, a tangible reminder of all that I have lost. With each silent sob, my body trembles, shaken by the storm of emotion raging within me. Wrapping myself in the comforter, I pull it close, seeking refuge in its warmth. As the sun rises, casting its light upon a world unchanged, I remain adrift in a sea of longing, my tears a silent testament to a love lost but never forgotten. He literally fucked me, ruined my life and right now I want him to fuck me more, he need to atleast come back for that.

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