Heart Part 9. Coffee Vs Tea

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Heyy ! Hope you'll enjoy the double update !!


It was another normal day at work. Despite the awkward tension inside our workroom. Harry was still his usual control freak self and I'm still that sexually frustrated assistant who's attracted to her boss.

While Harry was busy doing his work on his computer, I take a good look at his newly updated schedule. My eyes land on the gala Harry was invited to that was supposed to be held two days from now and I'm reminded of the fact that I had forgotten to tell him about it.

"Uhh, Mr. Styles?" I squeak and Harry doesn't even spare a glance my way.

"Sir?" I call for him again and finally, his eyes land on my own. "I'm sorry to interrupt you, sir but I-" I stop when I notice his eyes darkening and I'm unsure whether I should continue speaking or not.

"I would prefer it if you would only call me Mr. Styles while at work, Miss Grande, or else I would have no choice but to bend you over my table and take you from behind." What. the. fuck.

I could feel my eyes widening. "U-Uhh, I-" I clear my throat. Get a hold of yourself, Ariana. "Mr. Styles, I would like to inform you about the gala you're invited to that will be held two days from now. If you would like me to cancel then-"

"That's fine, just as long as you're free on that night as well" He replies, turning to look back on the computer screen. I blink, surprised.

"Mr. Styles, I can't I"m-" He cuts me off again. "Then cancel whatever date you have. I'm certain that I'm far more important than that." He remarks and I almost scoff at him. I raise my eyebrow at him. How do I get out of this?

"It doesn't require that you should have a date," I say and he looks at me, studying my face. I put on a facade and smiled at him.

"No, it doesn't but I want you to be."


I can't believe I'm inside here again after what happened a few nights ago. I'm scared to even go near this car yet here I am once again. I don't even know how and why Harry got me to agree to this in the first place.

The car finally came to a halt. It seems that we're parked at a parking lot of some cafe that I haven't heard of.

Harry steps out of the car and being the gentleman that he is, opens the car door for me and waits for me to step out. I notice the sign that says "Belvet's Cafe" written in large and bold letters.

We sat in a booth which was by the window that had a great view and I, of course, not knowing when I could come back to this place, didn't hesitate to take a picture of it.

"Which one would you like?" He asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Uhh.. anything is fine" I smiled at him.

"I believe the 'anything is fine' is not in the menu at all," He replies and my jaw almost drops at his sudden use of sarcasm. This man, I swear to god will be the death of me.

"I'll just get what you'll have" I still managed to smile.

A waitress came and asked for our order, the lady seemed more interested and attentive to Harry to even notice my presence. I don't blame her though. Harry Styles is handcrafted by the gods and goddesses themselves and who am I to claim him and rob someone from such a sight?

Harry doesn't seem to notice the undivided attention the waitress is giving to him. Heck, he's probably already used to it. I decided to leave them in their own world and mind my own by thoughtfully staring into the wonderful view outside once again. I love it here. Okay, maybe not the staff but I love it here.

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