✩Bloody Thumb✩

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✩This is how they met✩

Nagisa was given the job of working at a Asylum where he met Karma, one of the patients there he was sent there because of his violent nature and record of being a delinquent. Also this is before the incident with Asano but don worry well get there soon!✨

Koro Sensei was walking me around the hospital showing me were everything is till we stopped at a very very VERY secured door
"Ward 10" I read the sign hanging above it. The door had a padlock were you have to type the code to enter ~* I know this is an Asylum so theres people here who are mentally unstable٫ but what kind of patients are so dangerous they have an ENTIRE floor to themselves?~* I thought as Koro Sensei typed in the code "This is a special floor dedicated to our more violent patients that have either killed people or tried to" Koro Sensei explained leading me through the door. 
I was lookinh around seeing various rooms with peoples names on them then heard lots of riots and chaos everyone was screaming but nothing about just screaming. "Oh not now not again..." I heard Koro Sensei speaking to someone on the phone {Groan}"Sorry Nagisa but I have to end our exploration short a patient in section 1 ran out and is currently kicking every plant in sight..." I understood the situation but I really didn't want the tour to end "What if I explore the rest of this section myself?" I suggested. Eventually after thinking about it Koro Sensei agreed and rushed out. ~*Yes I managed to get him to agree. Wow I wonder why I wasn't show this section sooner? Huh...Who's that?~* I walked to a room with a name above it...~*Karma Akabane? Thats a...name~* I thought then I saw a person with red hair laying down on the matress in the room (Author note: theres glass walls there unbreakable though it's so observe the patients, they WOULD use cameras but the patients always manage to break or cover the cameras somehow but there's one metal wall in the back its solid but has cushions on it so that the patients can't harm themselves)
I was just staring at him because he was extremely quiet compared to the other patients that were still screaming


Todays boring....So boring...~*Jeez you beat up a few classmates (26) and kill a few people (34) and they send ya to this dump~* I was laying in my soft mattress planning everyone who works in here death until a little blue thing caught the corner of my eye. I turned my head and saw a tiny...Person ill say im not sure if its a guy٫ girl or they... Don't wanna gender assume...What just cuz I'm a criminal doesn't mean I disrespect pronouns. I get up and start walking towards them...~*Ive never seen them before...There really cute...Or handsome? or attractive.~* I thought as I stared into their eyes "Nagisa Shiota. So thats their name" I quietly whisper



He stood up and started walking towards the glass I was in front of now staring down at me. Didn't realize he was so tall. He had dim golden eyes that looked like he could kill anyone they want and short Scarlet red hair...~*Nice use of contrast...And kind of handsome~* I thought. He tilted his head and squints at my chest..~*Is he trying to see if im a girl? I don't blame him...With my height٫ figure٫ and long hair that's tied up in a high ponytail..No wait-Hes looking at my nametag..~* I smile at him unsurely. Then he looks up at me and into my eyes. Oh right! I forgot I had a notepad with me in my coat pocket I grab it and right down 'Hi as you can see from my nametag my names Nagisa and if you cant tell im a guy' I showed it to him with a awkward smile


Huh...They smiled at me...Not used to that reaction. I didn't say anything because the glass is too thick for him to hear me. So I bite down on my thumb till it bled and wrote on the wall 'Hi' I turned my head and saw him slightly panicking he waved his hand in a forward motion so I walked over and he wrote 'Sorry I didn't think you'd respond!! I'll find a nurse to treat your thumb. BUT IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU!!' Then he left...~*Nagisa Shiota...I like him hes tiny and awkward. I hope I see him again. unlike everyone else in this place he doesn't stare at me like a injured sheep and im some big bad wolf~* I sat down and stared at the doors the tiny man left through. After a while a nurse walked in and hesitantly opend my door to treat my bleeding thumb. I didn't care though I just kept staring at the doors hoping Nagisa would be back soon


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