Lila Defeated

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The floor gives out as they all fall in which seems to be the catacombs. The two heroes got up and still were surrounded by the zombies.

"You do know zombies don't feel pain, dumbass!" Ladybug groaned from the fall.

"I know that! Just kick their asses!" Claw Noir picks up debris and punches one in the head for it to get decapitated.

"Lucky charm!" Ladybug summon her lucky charm, "A chainsaw?"

"Seriously? A lady to use a chainsaw is so not very ladylike!" Claw Noir rips off another with his claws.

"Guess you gotta let your inner psycho rage out, Ladybug!" Lila laughed.

"How dare you speak like that to my lady!" Claw Noir engaged.

"Don't underestimate me, Lie-la!" Ladybug turned on the chainsaw and sliced some of the zombies.

"Stop calling my name with a pun!" Lila had enough of getting her name into a pun.

"Given that your name is like a pun liar, Lie-la! Pronouncing your names sounds indeed like a liar as in Lie-la!" Claw Noir laughed before striking at her.

"SHUT UP!" Lila slices at his chest with the dagger.

"Agh!" Claw Noir winced but moves out of the way from getting stabbed in the heart, "I'm already adapting more, bitch!"

"Not for long!" Lila's eyes flared with hatred.

Claw Noir smirked evilly before purring loudly as a distraction for her, making her confused as to why he was purring.

"You just purred?!" She asked.

Instead of fighting, he just purrs like a cat since fighting hand to hand is pointless but being unpredictable will get her guard down.

"The hell are you purring about, freak?!" Lila did not like where this was going.

"You want me to fall in love with you? Here it is, lying to my feelings the same way you lie all the time" Claw Noir continues to purr while stalking around her. Then he stops in front of her, growling.

"Get your undead fleas away from me!" Lila said before nearly gonna punch him.

"What's the matter? Scared to get raped? Now you know exactly how I felt when you harass me but you don't like it when I harass you, do you?" Claw Noir purred deadly.

"It was a mistake turning you!" Lila said.

"Reality check, you did make a mistake by giving me a second chance to send you straight to a living hell," Claw Noir said but then got kicked in the face before falling down.

"I can read your every move!" Lila approached to kill him but suddenly got stabbed by a dagger Claw Noir kept this long.

"Read this!" Claw Noir kicks it deeper into her chest to kill her, "Bitch!"

Lila held against the wall to fight for her life, laboring breathing.

"This is for my father!" Claw Noir yelled.

He detransformed and held her up to make her look at him in the eyes, "And this the life you took away from me. This time, I took your life away so you don't ever ruin everyone's life again with your lies" He then snaps her neck to kill her.

Without looking, he felt a bite on the shoulder from a zombie but he did not panic, "Don't bother. I'm already undead" He punched it back as Ladybug sliced it in two.

"That would make undead twice if you got turned into a zombie" Ladybug teased.

"Heh, zombies don't eat undead. They eat the living. Same as how I drink blood from the living" Adrien chuckled.

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