✦ { Nir } A Broken Heart's Last Wish

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Reviewer: nkvenus7878


🩷 Cover page: 4/5

The cover page is truly appealing, soothing and perfectly matches with the main theme of the story. It's been chosen well. However, slight changes could be made in the text color on the cover page to make it more visible. Other than which, it's amazing!

🩷 Title: 5/5

The title "A Broken Heart's Last Wish" absolutely resonates with the actual story. Gives a good idea to the readers as well!

🩷Blurb: 3/5

The blurb, similar to the title and cover page of any book, is a very crucial part since it gives the first image of any book to the readers. It should essentially wrap up the main events occuring in the story with ease.

The blurb for the book "A Broken Heart's Last Wish" gives very little idea about the story flow and how it will play out, other than the actual main theme on which the story revolves. It is important to include some of the major happenings as well as the main characters and their slight description in the blurb. But it's also important to note that the blurb should be precise, not too long and neither too short!

🩷Characters: 9/10

The characters in the story are truly unique and enticing. Their inner struggles and emotions are displayed with fine detail and it helps the readers to connect with them on a subconscious level, enabling them to easily indulge themselves into the story.

Other than the fact that at some points the characters may be described a bit too dramatically, it's anyway well written!

🩷Vocabulary: 4.2/5

The usage of words has been done refinely with amazing accuracy and using accurate words in the appropriate context.

However, there might be some spelling errors here and there as well as usage of incorrect words in some sentences, probably by mistake. A little editing would certainly help!

🩷 Grammar: 3.4/5

The grammar of the story is seemingly the part which is a little disappointing. There appear to be some punctuation errors, not using capital words at the beginning of many sentences and no clear partition of paragraphs. A good amount of editing would certainly help to resolve this issue!

🩷 Enjoyment: 5/5

No matter the errors around the written format, but essentially the fun part has truly been taken care of. From the sad but enlightening memories of Kyle's childhood, to his adult life pains and sorrows along with the descriptive scenes and the playful moments, the readers truly get immersed into the story and are assured with wonderful enjoyment!

🩷 Plot: 8.8/10

The plot of any story is the base on which it is built. The plotting of "A Broken Heart's Wish" has been done with absolute elegance and has a fabulous pacing with clear description of events and next to perfect elaboration of the happenings.

Nevertheless, the frequent time swaps from the past to the present then once more to the past may confuse the readers. It is suggested to keep a separate portion of the chapter for the past and a separate portion of the chapter for the present.

🩷 Total: 42.4/50

🩷 Percent: 84.8%

🩷Overall Review:

Overall, all that can be mentioned is that the storyline and the book is very unique and connects the readers with it at an extraordinary level. The characters, the plotting and the eloquent usage of words help the readers to easily indulge into the story and feel it to the heart.

The only issue might be with the grammar and some vocabulary errors. These are the main reasons as to why the story might even get confusing. Moreover, the frequent jumps from one timeline to the other may add to the confusion. Some amount of editing as well as organising the timelines appropriately in the story might help achieve wonders!

Ultimately, I felt truly bonded with the characters and amazingly connected with each and every event taking place. Lovely work, truly appreciate the efforts that went into it!

I hope that the above review is helpful. Kindly note that I DO NOT hold any grudge against you and this review is my honest opinion. Hope it is satisfactory!!

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