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Reviewer: nkvenus7878

Client: Theinfinitesea

Before you read the following review, I would like to mention that this is the first time I've reviewed any book whose plotting is in the form of a poem. The effort is truly appreciated, but kindly note that I won't be providing any specific score/mark on various criteria since it wouldn't make much sense. Hence, it would be as simple as a review.

🩷 Cover Page

The cover page is interesting and does catch the attention of the readers, considering it contains the appearance of the main characters.

However, it is suggested to make it appear more resonating with the storyline. It does not resonate much with it hence it would be better if a new cover page was created by keeping the events in mind.

🩷 Title

The title "My Only Valentine" truly matches with the theme of the book, considering it all plays to Valentine's Day. It's truly appealing and appreciated.

There could however be made some changes to make it feel more connected with the atmosphere. Such as "His Last Valentine" or something similar that gives a gloomy vibe!

🩷 Blurb

The blurb of the book gives little to no description about what's going to take place in the book. It's suggested to create a better blurb, explaining slightly about the events and mentioning more about the poetry.

🩷 Characters

Both the characters, Jungkook and Taehyung have been beautifully described and in my opinion, do not require any modification. Their love and feelings for one another is amazingly represented by their emotions and is truly well written!

🩷 Vocabulary and Grammar

There happen to be several grammatical and vocabulary errors throughout the poetry. Also, using more powerful words is recommended in some instances. Spelling errors are also evident. Little editing of the work would truly help!

🩷 Enjoyment

The entire poetry is truly enjoyable and deeply connects the readers with it. Taehyung's lovely wishes and gifts to Jungkook truly make the readers emotional and the manner in which Jungkook reacts to them lovingly connects the readers extraordinary. An amazing amount of work has been done in this part!

🩷 Plot

With honesty, it's truly surprising for me to have come across such amazing poetry. I had no idea that poetry could be written this way, in the manner of a storyline! It's wonderful and truly unique. The fact that poetry can be written in such a form is truly a work of art!

🩷 Overall Review

Overall, there's hardly anything that needs any improvement other than those parts which immediately catch readers' attention: The title, blurb and cover page.

Some vocabulary and grammar corrections are also required but otherwise it's a wonderful piece of work.

Besides, it's very easy to understand as well for anyone who knows basic English and the twist at the end…the pregnancy, it truly caught me off guard but wonderful work indeed!!!!

I hope that the above review is helpful. Kindly note that I DO NOT hold any grudge against you and this review is my honest opinion. Hope it is satisfactory!!

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