Chapter 1: Chasing Shadows

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K A I D E N ' S P O V,

The party at the penthouse was in full swing, with the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filling the air. I maneuvered through the crowd, exchanging polite nods and engaging in small talk with colleagues and acquaintances. The city skyline twinkled through the floor-to-ceiling windows, but my attention was drawn elsewhere.

Just as I reached for another glass of champagne, I caught a glimpse of something unusual. A shadow flickered at the edge of my vision, darting past the doorway at the far end of the room. I squinted, trying to make out the figure, but it moved too quickly.

"Kaiden, you alright?" asked Melissa, one of my coworkers, noticing my distraction.

"Yeah, just thought I saw something," I replied, forcing a smile. "I'll be right back."

Curiosity got the better of me. I slipped out of the crowded room, moving quietly down the dimly lit hallway. My footsteps were silent on the plush carpet as I followed the direction the shadow had gone. The party's noise faded behind me, replaced by the quiet hum of the building.

I reached the end of the hallway and paused, peering around the corner. The figure was nowhere to be seen. I moved forward cautiously, my heart pounding. As I reached another junction, I saw it again-a hooded figure, moving swiftly down the corridor.

I quickened my pace, trying to keep up without making any noise. The figure turned a corner, and I hurried after it, but when I rounded the bend, the hallway was empty. Frustration bubbled up inside me.

"Damn, where did you go?" I muttered under my breath.

Just then, a muffled sound reached my ears. I edged closer to the source, creeping along the wall. The hallway opened up into a small atrium, and I saw the hooded man again. He stood near an open window, his back to me, holding something-or someone-in his arms.

I froze as I realized what I was looking at. The figure was clutching a woman's lifeless body, her blonde hair cascading over his gloved hands. Before I could react, he heaved her out the window. I watched in horror as her body plummeted from the twelfth floor, disappearing into the darkness below.

My breath caught in my throat. Every instinct screamed at me to run, but my legs felt like lead. The hooded man turned slightly, and for a moment, I thought he would see me. Panic surged through me, but he seemed preoccupied, adjusting his gloves.

I knew I had to get back to the party, to alert someone, but fear held me in place. Finally, forcing myself to move, I took a cautious step back.

"Kaiden," I whispered to myself, "you need to get out of here."

I turned, intending to slip back down the hallway, but I barely made it a few steps before I felt a presence behind me. A strong hand clamped over my mouth, and a sickly sweet scent filled my nostrils.

I struggled, trying to twist free, but the grip tightened. My vision blurred, and the world tilted as my legs gave out beneath me. The last thing I heard before everything went black was the muffled sound of the party continuing, blissfully unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows.


When I came to, the first thing I noticed was the pounding in my head. Groaning, I tried to sit up, but my body felt sluggish, my movements clumsy. I was no longer in the hallway but in a small, dimly lit room. The walls were bare, and the only light came from a single bulb hanging from the ceiling.

"You're awake," a voice said, startling me.

I turned my head, wincing at the pain. A man stood in the doorway, his face obscured by shadows. He stepped forward, revealing a pale, sharp-featured face with a cold smile.

"Who are you?" I croaked, my throat dry.

"That doesn't matter," he replied smoothly. "What matters is that you saw something you shouldn't have."

My mind raced, piecing together fragments of what had happened. The hooded man, the body, the fall...

"What do you want from me?" I demanded, trying to sound braver than I felt.

The man chuckled. "Just your silence, Kaiden. Unfortunately, I can't trust you to keep quiet."

Fear clawed at me. "I won't say anything, I swear."

He shook his head. "It's too late for that."

He moved towards me, and I flinched, expecting the worst. But instead, he pulled out a syringe filled with a clear liquid.

"No, please!" I begged, struggling against the bonds that held me.

He ignored my pleas, pressing the needle into my arm. Coldness spread through my veins, and my vision darkened once more. As I slipped into unconsciousness, one thought echoed in my mind: I had to survive this. I had to warn someone.

The shadows in the night had revealed a terrifying secret, and now, it was up to me to uncover the truth-if I could stay alive long enough to do so.

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