heart skipped a bit?

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Nayan sat at the dimly lit table, her eyes heavy with the weight of her sorrow. Her husband's death had left her with an aching emptiness, one that no one, not even her own sister, could truly understand. Her hands clutched the delicate stem of her glass which was seemed to have juice in it.

Her sister, radhika chattered on about the latest gossip, but Nayan's mind was far away, radhika ignored nayan as she was a stranger beside them. Nayan barely heard Radhika fiancé, abhimanyu when he spoke.

"So why don't you talk to us?  I think you need a change of scenery, a break from your grief. How about you join us on a conversation. It'll be good for you."

Nayan looked up, her dark eyes meeting Abhimanyu's intense gaze. A shiver ran down her spine as she realized just how much he'd been watching her. She'd been so lost in her own sorrow that she hadn't noticed the way he'd been eyeing her, the way his fingers would occasionally brush against her skin when they were in close proximity.

Radhika, oblivious to the scenario created by abhimanyu for nayan, her sister. Radhika rolled her eyes.

" Rehne do use , uske so called 'grief' me"

Abhi ignoring radhika's word asked nayan in a friendly manner
" Would you mind if I ask, what's your passion? "

"No.. I'm a gynecologist and a practiced surgeon" Nayan said with a weak smile maintaining her profession

"You must be a topper at teen? " Abhi asked while smiling

"I was selected at AIIMS with 45 AIR rank"  (Dekho bhai tumhari main lead to topper nikli )

" It's all shit.. " Radhika whispered rolling her eyes

Seeing abhi cheer for nayan, Radhika thought internally " Tu jitna bhi kosis karle abhi ko mere taraf se chin ne ki.. You will always lose, Because he is mine"

Nayan smiled weakly, seeing abhi. In truth, she had no desire to smile but she couldn't bear the thought of upsetting her soon to be brother (😏).

Abhimanyu's obsession with Nayan only grew from there, the tension in him palpable as they spent more time together. Suddenly nayan wanted to put herself out of the situation by an excuse, she wanted to use the restroom. Abhi lingered every movement of nayan.

"let me pay the bills. Radha sit here until I come back " Abhi said and quickly headed towards the bill counter. Pretending to give the bills, he waited for nayan with nervousness through his veins.
Seeing nayan emerging towards him, abhi went to her, Nayan's heart raced as she looked into abhi's eyes, seeing not just lust, but a twisted kind of hunger. He couldn't deny, she was looking very hot while rubbing the sweat out of her face.

"You want something abhimanyu? " Nayan asked abhi being curious why he followed her

" I just came here to pay the bills" Abhi's words were shattered seeing nayan.

They both went towards the stairs where a rod placed on the ground was unnoticed by nayan. She stepped on it which causes her body to lose balance and eventually fall but abhi was quick enough to cage her in his arms by holding her waist .

Abhi got lost in the brown coloured eye of nayan which was dilated feeling abhi's hand on her waist (well I know dilation of pupil occurs by bright light but still to make the storyline interesting I used this) .

For a moment abhi's heart stopped beating feeling the closeness between them . Nayan put her hand on abhi's chest to push him but abhi pulled nayan more close to him that his breath his touching her neck

"Ap itne pass ayoge to hamara dil phatt jayega "
"If you come close to me like this, then my heart will explode"



Sorry for being this late. It was because of my exam. This is my final year so I'm kinda serious about my studies. I apologize again for being late. But I promise I'll upload parts everyday

For now upto this....

Lob youuu💗💘

Target :-   25 votes 😺✌

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