82~ Rain and Her (B)

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Kalp's POV

"Sir wants to talk to you," I stared at him to get clarification, and he clarified, "Mr. Rajdhan."

A wide smile spread across my lips as I got up from my seat, staring at her unconscious figure.

Her savior is here, but what a shame she isn't even conscious to greet him. She would have been happy to meet him after two long years.

The doctor said she is in a state of trauma but conscious of her surroundings, and that's enough for me to refrain from killing that useless medico.

I can spend my whole life seeing her like this, but not a single second without her beside me.

Call this madness? Perhaps. But if she had died, I would have preserved her body for a lifetime, never getting tired of staring at her alluring face and smiling to myself.

She is the only human who made me genuinely smile after my baby sister, and there is no way I can bear the loss of losing her.

The day would be the death of Kalp Trivedi when Adhisha Singhaniya won't be a part of his life.

Am I feeling? Of course—a deep madness for not hearing her voice, for not being able to feel her against my body, for missing the warmth of her core that makes me feel something I can never get tired of feeling for my damn life.

The feeling of having her is so satisfying that I feel getting inside her is better than breathing.

What is she to me? Everything no one can understand. She is the blood flowing in my veins, a breath that keeps me alive—the only valid reason for my life.

How can someone want something so badly? The way I want her, if I could dissolve her into me, I would, to never let her get away from me and keep her forever with me.

Two days, and she is lying dead on the bed where we made love two nights ago.

Why doesn't she understand me? Why doesn't she see the emotions my eyes hold for her?

I may be a little harsh with her, but why doesn't she understand that she forces me to behave like that?

Maybe she would be celebrating that she is out of my cage now. But if my naive darling thinks like that, then she should know that even her death can't separate us.

I will burn this world to keep her with me. I fucking don't fear anyone, except the thought of losing her.

"Strip her carefully and Get out after completing your work but dare you to hurt a single cell of her body and I will pull out your flesh," I ordered walking towards my wife and softly kissing her soft lips before staring at her dead eyes that were staring at ceiling with nothing in them.

I desperately want to see those black eyes staring at me with extreme hate in them, and I will make sure my wish is granted. After all, I need to fulfill my daughter's wish.

It was never like this, The day we became one is still fresh in my mind, her agonizing moans and pleasurable growls still sounds so soothing to my ears.

I buttoned up my shirt and walked out to meet the main pawn of my game, but my mind got surfaced with old memories, causing my brain to lose itself somewhere in those days.

[Fifteen years ago]

It's been two days since I met her at her college, heard her voice, and breathed in her intoxicating scent.

She is fucking so addictive that I wish I could keep her fucking senselessly with no break to my raw desires.

As promised I didn't drag my so called brother in the matter and Aashish Trivedi cleared the path for me to get near her.

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