Geordie Shore

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So over the last few months I've been watching A LOT of Geordie Shore. I'm like hyper fixated on it. I don't know what it is about watching a bunch of drunk 18-30something people that makes my brain produce the happy chemicals, but for some reason it does so I'm not complaining. 

If you don't know, Geordie Shore is a British reality tv show created by MTV of 8-12 people (the number varies each season) who live and work together in a house in Newcastle. The show has had 24 seasons, with a 25th season being filmed as I write this. It started back in 2011, and takes inspiration from the American show Jersey Shore. 

TL;DR: its the British version of Jersey Shore. 

I started watching Geordie Shore about a month after going through a break up that really upset me, and it provided a nice distraction from how sad I felt. It was also something that I could easily put on in the background, which is what I did while doing my drama coursework (just to clarify, I am 16 as of writing this), and it was also a great source of entertainment when I was kept up all night coughing when I had some sort of illness (probably Covid) back in March. I think I burned through about 18 seasons in like two weeks or something like that, I watched it so much.

Like I said, I don't know what it is about the show that makes my brain produce the happy chemical (which I just remembered is called dopamine, something that because of my ADHD I apparently lack) but it just does. No its not a conventionally good show to watch or something that a child who is sneaking into the living room past their bedtime to watch what their parent is watching on tv would look at and go 'I want to be like that when I'm older' (unless they do which is totally fine like you do you kid its not my business what you do) and all that boring shit that adults say when you express and interest in stuff like this, but its a source of entertainment. And thats what TV is all about. 

TV shows aren't meant to teach you things, I mean sure, they have the odd educational channels and programmes for toddlers, and even some children shows have elements of education, even if its hidden beneath the surface. 

But in a way, thats whats expected for children's TV. 

TV for teenagers (I'd say maybe 15 and up) should be a bit different. Like ok keep elements of education, sure, whatever, but make it super subtle, and maybe introduce a storyline about serious issues, like drugs or violence or crime. But keep it subtle and make sure it's an ongoing storyline. I've noticed that shows tend to do like one set episode or special when dealing with an issue like this and then never talk about it again. That or it's the whole point of the show, which in a way almost glamourises it if that makes sense. 9 times out of 10, they don't get the important info right either. 

Point is, TV is mostly there to entertain. And Geordie Shore does exactly that.

And thats not to say that I haven't learnt anything from Geordie Shore. In fact, I've learnt quite a bit about relationships, such as what signs to look out for in a relationship when the person isn't particularly nice, or if someone isn't the best person to be around.  Oh and don't forget the most important lesson: they cheat on you once they will do it again (exhibit A: Charlotte and Gaz (no hate to Charlotte though)§)

I'm not gonna lie, this show has been a nice escape from reality (ironic considering it's a reality show) and it just provides an almost safe feeling when watching it. I don't know. I just really like the show ok?

Personally, I think we need to balance things out a little bit on TV. Like yes the serious educational stuff is important, obviously, but most people just aren't interested in that stuff. Adding to that, I also think we need to stop this idea that people who watch reality TV aren't as smart or intelligent as the people that watch like David Attenborough or something like that. I think people sometimes think that just because they watch nature documentaries or war documentaries suddenly they are above everyone else and they are the smartest people ever, because, and I mean this with all the love in my heart, your really not. I'm not throwing shade to the people who watch this stuff, like watch whatever you want, honestly it doesn't bother me, just don't act like your above everyone else because you watched one episode of Blue Planet 2. Not shading the show either, I think it's pretty cool myself, but it's just not something I would choose to watch. I've never been interested in nature or the sea (the sea freaks me out but thats a rant for another time), or the wars or anything like that, since I was a kid I've always been interested in celebrities and pop culture and stuff like that. I can't force myself to like something I'm simply not interested in.  That being said, I do have huge amounts of respect for David Attenborough and all he's done for the environment. Honestly he seems like an incredible man. 

Point is, you can have all your GCSEs or A Levels or whatever exams you take and still choose to watch a show like Geordie Shore. And that doesn't make you any less smart than you already are.

So please, if you do comment, please keep them respectful. I don't want anyone to shame anyone else for their interests on here. I know how it feels to have that done and it feels AWFUL. If you disagree with me then fine, thats your opinion and this is mine. I'll respect yours and you respect mine. I don't want to have to block anyone. 

If you've seen the show then please comment your opinions on the new season and the Australian version of the show Charlotte was filming. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Have a great day! 

Signing off- J <3

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