kicking, screaming, throwing up

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CHAPTER 21*                                                                        
"It's aspiration pneumonia, the thing is quite serious but fortunately Iris doesn't have it bad. She should be okay within two weeks, nothing to worry, it's good you got it checked soon."Can I go to college?". Ivan is staring at me with an angry gaze. "Your fever will increase if you do, try to understand Iris aspiration pneumonia is a life threatening condition if it gets serious, you have to take very good care of yourself and the antibiotics would be draining your blood so you need to have a very good diet, however whatever you eat should be teared in small pieces, drink more water and swallow very slowly while sitting upright. While sleeping use a wedge pillow, 45° angle of elevating is perfect. You will have to take a course of antibiotic for a week initially and symptoms will most likely drop by that time. You are wheezing and having a lot of difficulty in breathing so I will arrange portable oxygen therapy for you, one week of that would be enough. You may go to college after two weeks but mucus will only stop after 4-6 weeks. Aspiration results in heavy sweating too." I have gone numb I could never imagine this could happen with my stupid resolution of bringing Travis' back, I wonder if he gets to know I am sick would he return---"Iris? Come you have to get oxygen therapy" Ivan is looking calmer today but he won't look at me. I go with him and do all that's needed then we get the antibiotics and the wedge bed and go back to my house. Ivan skipped college today too and he is forced to take care of me. We enter my place and sit on the couch. Ivan checks my temperature then and it's still 101F. I feel like something is stuck in my throat and I cough which leads to heavy chest pain and I rush to my bathroom to excrete the mucus. When I return Ivan is already sitting. He tells me to sit down and gives me things to eat with ginger tea. I swallow slowly and cough in between. After eating I take a shower and Ivan makes me take it without locking the bathroom door. He sits in my bedroom while I do it and I feel so much better after taking shower I had been sweating too much I could smell it. I wear a nightsuite and then take my medicines. It's bad really bad. Without oxygen therapy I wheeze and struggle so much in breathing that I get watery eyes. Doctor also made me do some swallow tests which were okay and I cling to them for hope. I don't want to trouble Ivan even though it's just one day he still has better things to do and company a sick person who is constantly coughing out mucus. We sit on the couch and watch TV and I keep disturbing him. When it's finally lunch time and I eat my boring regulars I tell Ivan to order takeouts. He says he has no money. I tell him I will pay and he replies, "I know you have a big inheritance but utilise it on your health first I will be quite satisfied if I just accompany you in drinking a hot soup". As the day passes my fever doesn't drop and I just sit and stare at things I didn't know existed while Ivan has returned to his place to bring his things. We fought a while ago because Ivan was saying he won't go to college for two weeks too and he was being crazy he can't skip college at all. After fighting for almost an hour we agreed one thing that Ivan will go to college but will move to my place till I am healthy enough to go to college. As he enters with his backpack I feel a bit better. I stare at him for a while and I am too find a good thing to stare at finally. He raises his eyebrows and I shake my head. He goes to the room next to mine and keeps his bag there. When he comes out he asks me if I checked my fever. I tell him it's same. He nods slowly as if explaining himself whatever I said. Then he gives me a bottle of coconut water and I hesitate a little before taking it. He says, "do you want me to make you drink it or you will do yourself?" I smile then and he says," don't smile like this you look ugly" I smile a bit more and hit him lightly on his arm. He pats my head and says, "My beautiful ugly partner" I don't know why I get small tears in my eyes. Ivan sits with me and tells me completely off topic things. I lean my head back on the back of the couch and look at him with the look of love.

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