stay, please

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CHAPTER 22*                                                                                                 
I am laughing like crazy and I am not able to stop, my chest is aching as I laugh but I am not able to control myself. "And that's not the end when she said no I turned back and was almost gonna go when she spun me around and tried to kiss me. I got furious like first she rejected me and now she is tryna kiss me without my consent so I started shouting save me save me dramatically, she was so embarassed she left. When I told mumma all this she asked why did I shout and I said I saw a movie where a boy was kissing a girl without her consent and she shouted so I did the same. I was four at that time and I would have gotten my first kiss if only I weren't that stupid. That girl and her friends started calling me baby scream after that." I have a very big smile and I don't know why I want to kiss him right now he is so so cute but I don't. Instead I turn my face to the other side and don't stop smiling. "After that everyone started calling me scream baby for the rest of my school and even though I was quite proud of it at first I started hating it later, I wanted to punch the face of those who used to call me that, it wasn't fair right" Suddenly he keeps his head on my shoulder and I feel something unknown in me. I have never felt like this with Travis. It was always me who was the baby I don't think he ever depended or leaned on me. It was just me. "It wasn't fair scream baby" I giggle and add please don't punch me. He doesn't say anything and keeps leaning on me and I feel so good I don't know why. I feel like I am worthy of something. Ivan checks his phone and says, "you should sleep it's 10:47" I don't want to sleep I like it like this but I agree because even though I have to just lie for atleast a week Ivan has to go to college. He will submit our model tomorrow I am happy we completed it earlier I would have not been able to do anything later. I take my medicines again and Ivan comes with me to my room. He adjusts the wedge pillow and I lay down. I grab the comfittor but Ivan takes it from me and he does it instead. "Good night, partner" "Good night scream baby" "I am afraid you will make it my favourite word" I smile and say, "I won't be able to sleep right now just get bored." " I can stay with you until you sleep" " Okay" Ivan sits next to my side and asks," can I lay down a little bit?" "Ofc" He lays down to the extent which makes him comfortable and I ask him when exactly did he have his first kiss then. He smiles a little bit and says, "I used to believe that the person you have your first kiss with is your soulmate but now I believe the person with which your every kiss feels like the first one is your soulmate and I understood this after my first one." "You are so philosophical, I never knew this side of yours" "I hope you don't hate me being a hopeless romantic, boys rarely are" "The ones who are, are the standard" Ivan smiles again. " So your first kiss? "  "Okay so I was 10 and there was this girl I liked and I used to think she liked me too and once she just came to me in school and she just leaned forward and kissed me. At that point I was sick of being the scream baby so I just let it happen. She used to be the most innocent girl so I didn't even mind but I later realised she was pulling a prank because her friends had given her a dare to kiss the scream baby. She never talked to me again." "That's sad"  " Yeah but it taught me two good lessons" " which ones?"  " The one I told you earlier of all the kisses being like the first one and the way you feel when you have your first kiss with your soulmate is different than rest of the people, with shitain that prank girl I was normal but as I later explored the world I realised we have many different sensations when we have our first kisses and that just describes our compatibility with the same person, I know I am weird don't mock at me" I am smiling because this version of Ivan is adorable, really adorable. I cough a little bit and Ivan gives me water. "You ready to sleep?"  I like being like this but I know I should not force Ivan so I shrug. "Okay no, perfect"  I smile at that and then I ask him if he has ever felt that soulmate sensation with anyone till now, he is just 20 and its quite early but who knows. To my surprise he nods very slowly and doesn't look at me while doing that. I tell him I want the soulmate story but he refuses and I ask him a million times but he gets up and says it's late and that I should sleep. I tell him I won't sleep without knowing a little bit, just tell me 5% of it and he says, "I initiated that too without consent, the girl doesn't even like me but I couldn't resist because she was saying shitty things about the person I love the most in the world, I did it to shut her up and likings and love was a bonus point. Then he says good night to me and leaves.

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