Love you to the moon and to saturn

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CHAPTER 23*                                                                                
"Good morning baby", I hear a whisper and then a hand cups my face and there is another hand on my forehead "You awake partner? I am leaving if there will be anything please call me" I feel something light and soft and warm on my forehead for a second and I try to open my eyes but my head feels so heavy and I feel maybe it's weight has an effect on my eyelids too. I stop trying and go back to sleep.------------- My phone is ringing and I don't want to move I am feeling better under the covers but I still do and this time I am not expecting Travis but Ivan. I barely check the id with my half open eyes and there he is. I put it to my ear and I have no energy to speak so I make a sound like "huh?" "You still sleeping, you should get up you have to take your medicines and you have to eat before having them." I barely manage to say " kay"  "Do it quickly dumbo you had 103F temperature in the morning you fucking need medicine so get up and eat your breakfast it's on the table of the living room and eat your medicines now." "Okay mom". I can feel him smiling when he says," shut the fuck up". I get up and brush my teeth, then stare at myself in the mirror and I look so ugly I could scare the little kids I wonder how Ivan even talks to me. I eat my breakfast and take medicines and then sit down to study. I have not been doing at all and even though I am done with the entire syllabus already I still can't skip it. I am feeling sick with this excessive sweating so I get up to take bath. I take a long time to do that and even wash my hair. I wear my robe and tie my hair with a towel and shave my legs. I only skip my arms because of the cuts on the left one then I blow my dry my hair and even straighten them a bit and leave them open. I don't know why I have this sudden urge to look good but I do so I satisfy it. I wear a full sleeve fitted lilac top with white shorts because my period is finally over and I am not even surprised to not care about my legs being bare, this is not really revealing everyone wears shorts and then a voice inside me says, "everyone wears shorts but they don't live together with their boy bestfriend who recently confessed that he loves you" I try to ignore it. It's 1 and Ivan won't be coming atleast 3:30 and I have nothing to do. I studied for two hours but my head feels dizzy so it's not favourable anymore. I turn on music and start cleaning my house, I know it's not a good idea but I just have to move around while vaccuming it, it's not that difficult. I do half of it before I am out of breath and wheezing and lying on the couch with exhaustion. I am just left with Ivan's room, living room and lobby. I get up after maybe an hour and get started with Ivan's room then living room. When just half of lobby is left I hear my door opening and I don't even turn around. I hear a voice, "leave it and lay down right now before I am forced to carry you there". "I won't leave it until it's done I didn't start to leave it unfinished and moreover it will just take two minutes." Suddenly I feel a hand on my waist and my inner knee caps and I am lifted from the ground in no time and Ivan is carrying me and going towards my living room and I don't even protest because I feel so safe and warm like this. I put my arms around his neck and when he tries to put me down on the couch I get reminded that I was supposed to protest so I get up from the couch and start to go when he puts his arm around my waist and lifts me up and bring me back again. He has a mocking smile on his face which frustrates me even more and I sit on the couch with a furious face. "C'mon partner, I will do it tell me what's left" I don't reply, I am not even replying that's decided for sure. I wanted to do it to feel a little less sick and I know this is weird but I feel bad like this. "Heyy, so you are going to ignore me?" Ivan then sits with me and he grabs the cushion between us and keeps it at the side and sits closer. "If you won't take care of yourself I will do it, I don't mind protecting what's mine,you are my life and no one can stop me from embracing it" Ivan kisses my temple and gets up to go out of the room and I hear the voice of vaccum but it's nothing compared to the sound of the beat of my heart, I think I just got butterflies and I don't think I will be able to get this all out of my head anytime sooner.

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