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CHAPTER 26*                                                                       
Shut the hell up, I know it's my favourite song but that doesn't mean it has the permission to disrupt my sleep in the middle of the night. I come back to the earth and I have never been more annoyed after listening to this song. I try to move but it feels like I am trapped. I open a bit of my eyes and with a very blurry vision come back to my senses. I am on the couch, embraced by Ivan's front. The back of my head is buried in his neck and my whole body is enclosed within his. He is hugging me and his right leg is over both of mine. I can accurately measure the pace of his breaths because I feel them explicitly tingling the skin between my eye and eyebrow. We are practically cuddling. I use my entire force and get up, Ivan is sleeping so peacefully but unfortunately he has to wake up because it's time for college. He hardly slept for 3 hours and he is gonna be exhausted if it continues like this but I don't know what to do, it's not in my hands; Everyone says college is fun but it's just pressure. I hit his shoulder lightly and tell him to wake up. He just faces to where I am standing. He has obviously not heard me, I fit myself in the smallest area and yawn twice before calling his name again. He makes a sound then and at one moment I was a sleepy head and now I am wide awake just left with a blushy mess because he suddenly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, if he would have not been hugging me right now, I would have fallen because I am sitting in air. I get up again and pull his arm, he doesn't defend then and finally sits up. "Wake up for god's sake". I go to my room and lay down on my stomach while I hear Ivan getting ready for leaving. There's a very faint knock on my door and I suddenly close my eyes. I hear it opening then and with this sound of footsteps I would recognise Ivan among thousands. I feel a wait beside me and feel the scent I was embraced in the entire last night. There's a hand on my head then and I feel a very soft touch on my ear for a second. The hand on my head then glides down gently to my back and I feel shivers as it does. It stays there for half a second before he pulls it back. I feel a sheet over me then and because of my shitty position my feet are out of it. After a moment I feel a very gentle hand on my ankles and I don't know why I bring my thighs closer to each other. I feel a light kiss on my ankle before I melt down to sleep. As soos as I hear the front door closing I get up. It's 7:13 and all I have done is laid down on my bed like a corpse,  I don't know what's wrong with me I don't think I am numb because I am missing Travis, I know I don't even miss him when I am with Ivan and that's why I am empty maybe. When did Ivan become such an important deal that I don't think about my hoodie when I am with him. I don't think about anything infact. I start wheezing suddenly then. I get up and rush to the bathroom to excrete the infection out of my mouth. My course of antibiotics is over now and I will be joining college from Monday, just 20 days before we get Thanksgiving break and then preparatory and finally the end of sophomore year. I had thought this year would be best because I will meet Travis after two years I don't know what it is anymore. I grab my phone and put Travis'account in archive. Then I take a shower and I think I finally want to move on from my hoodie and I will ofc unless it gets too cold.

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