🔞18. (P1) I love-hate you

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Abruti5 your requested Enemies to lovers🫶


*third person's POV*

Ishan Kishan, the crazy party animal, who loves going out, getting wasted, and spending time with his friends. He is the life of his group and also the heart throb of the college.

Then, there's Shubman Gill, who prefers the silent life. He loves to read and have some quiet moments in his life. No, not like a nerd. He has numerous friends too, but he just prefers to be alone sometimes. His favorite spot to be in is the library and he really hates if someone tries to drag him out of his personal space.

And who would've guessed it, they're kissing each other today. In love with each other so much that being next to them makes you want to puke rainbows.

How did it happen? The story dates back to a long time ago...

Shubman and Ishan, they never got along. The first day of the college, Ishan and Shubman bumped into each other.
"Hey! where's my sorry at?"
Shubman swatted his pockets. "hmmm...Not here"
"Better say it right now, giraffe"
"I will not say it. Stick your sorry up your ass"

Oh and just how much Ishan's ego was affected. And since then he wouldn't leave a chance he got to annoy Shubman.

He'd fill up Shubman's locker with condoms, or even put some food coloring on his seat to ruin his so good-looking ass.

And Shubman was no less. He got him in trouble for destroying the whole library shelf and Ishan had to rearrange it, or sometimes had him banned from a few clubs. It was not a ban exactly, just teamed up with some guards for a day and ruin his night.

Well, they were sworn enemies and nothing, yup, absolutely nothing could change that. Nothing at all... Not even Shubman's obsession on Ishan and Ishan's obsession on the taller male.

All the fighting, bickering, pranks, everything had made it a way for them to learn each other more without them even knowing.
What else would you say when Ishan would be present just 5 minutes before Shubman's entry in the library or when Shubman would take the detour towards the crowded side at least once a day?

They were doing this so they could plan pranks on each other. Obviously.

Today was no different. When Shubman left his hostel for the lecture, he saw Ishan running for the bus too.
He laughed very lightly under his breath. Always a late comer.

"Oh, Mr.Punctual, not very glad to see you"
"I think that's the only thing we have in common"
"Shut up and get aside"

Oh no. He did not just say that. Shubman became very very angry and held Ishan by his shirt from behind.
"Listen here you hedgehog, don't you do that again, because I'm not up for taking any insults"

Ishan smirked, amused by Shubman's boldness.
"Didn't know you had this in you, Darling.. keep this act up and you sure might get a boyfriend"
"How- What?!"

Shubman blushed. Firstly, why and how did Ishan know about him being gay, and secondly, Darling?! Really is that even an insult?

"Darling? Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?"
"Hm.. no, actually. There's so many more I have saved for the night. Bet you're dying to know them"

Shubman's face became red from anger. He really just wanted to punch him in the face.

He was cut off by the loud noise of the bus that had just arrived.

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