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"Set you free?" You ask confused.

"Yeah...This is not the real me...I'm trapped in the body of a dragon." She says looking really sad.

"Who did this to you?"

"Jae..." She sighs.

"That fucking guy!" 

"Not only me, the guy upstairs too." she sighs again.

"Why though?"

"Because Jae was THE most handsome guy, not until the other guy came. He got jealous and trapped him here. As for me, he trapped me in a dragon's body because he wanted the peoples approval."


"When he became the king after killing you, he wanted people to praise him for trapping the dragon of destruction. He lied that if I ever woke up, I would destroy the entire world."

Tears welled up in her eyes. "It's fine, I'll set you free as soon as possible!"

You say and start running to the next door. You turn back one last time and Sooya nods. You smile and run up again.

You climb many stairs and finally reach the huge silver door.

You push it open and as Namjoon said there was a beautiful garden, but instead of a lady it was guy. You walk towards him and he smiles at you.

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He had this angelic aura, The grey hair and his dark brown eyes glistening from the lights from the huge window next to him.  Now you know why Jae was jealous. 

He looked familiar. "Y-yoongi-shi?" You asked confused.

He just nodded and flashed another gummy smile.

"What are you doing here?" 

"I had escaped this place but heard Jae was headed to the castle, so I just returned."

"Oh, okay..."

"Ah...Let me lead you to the wish." He bows and start walking.

"Ok" you follow.

After seconds, you reach the gold door. You open it, and the reddish-purple ball is sitting in the middle of the room.

"All the best Y/n" Saying that Yoongi leaves. You take a deep breath and walk forward.

You point the sword at the ball.  But as you move forward, You're pushed back by a sudden rush of wind. You struggle but manage to reach inches away. You grab the pole and by now, you were basically being lifted. 

With both your hands holding the pole, You couldn't hold the sword. Suddenly, a hand appeared and held the sword instead.

"Jimin!?" You ask surprised.

"I'll explain later, let's get the ball." Saying that he pushed the sword into the ball. You also joined and It finally started cracking up. The wind stopped and now you could properly stand.

"Jimin, Why are you here? What about Jisoo?" 

"She...She used her magic and merged with my soul as I was almost about to die." 

"I can't hold out much longer. You have to use the wish, Now!"

"J-jisoo merged with your soul? What happened to her!?" Tears roll down your face.

"S-she's gone...but she will still be within me..." Jimin smiles weakly and tears fall down.

Jimin used the sword to support himself. You wipe your tears and take the broken ball. As Yoongi told earlier, You let the tears fall on the piece. It starts to glow again and a yellow little light comes out.

It slowly grows and turns into a beautiful lady.

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"Are you Y/n?" She asks in a beautiful low voice.

You nod. "Are you the wish?"

She flashes a gummy smile similar to Yoongi's.

"What are your 2 wishes?" She asks.

"First, can you heal Jimin and Tae who are really injured?" You say and she nods. She does something with her hands and a small crystal-type bottle appears. She hands it to you and says to feed it to Jimin.

"The 2nd?" She asks.

"The dragon, Sooya, Please free her" She nods again and does something with her hand.

"Thank you" You say and she disappears after a sweet smile.

You wait a few minutes and Jimin gets up. You both head outside and see Jae on the ground, dead. 

You go to see Tae and Jungkook. From a distance, you could see Tae hitting Jk's arms as he teased him.

Jimin ran over and hugged him tightly. "I missed you Tae!!"

You and JK just chuckle as they both hug and cry. 

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

I jus wanna thank @Sarah_Hanguklover_1, cause I was jus givin up on this story...

But her comments encouraged me again!!

Luv u grl!!! 💜💜


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