Parti told the two, "Okay, you two have to help me." with sadness in his voice. "My friend, his name is FunnyGame... he worked for the demons, but..." he teared up. "He... saw... whatever that thing is... and... he..." Parti paused for a bit, "My brain is foggy... I think that... thing did something to his mind..." he said. Juni almost felt bad, but she remembered that this cube is covered in blood, "Uh, oh, we'll find him!" she told Parti.
Zero asked, "Can you help us find him?" and Parti responded with, "Sure..." in the same sad tone. "Where did you last see him?" Juni asked him, "We were at the Shadow Temple..." Parti answered. "Then we have to go there!" Zero told him, "He might be there..."
Juni asked Parti, "Did you see him leave?" and he answered, "I saw him run out into the Geometric Forest..."