09- ~𐇵From Monarchy To Mutiny𐇵~

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" I'm a colonist " She says, leaning the back of her head on my chest.

" You know it means if you got caught a colonist you'd be executed or held in prison for treason, right? " I say, making sure she means what she says.

She nods then she turns around and faces toward me wrapping her legs around my waist, then she holds my hands.

" I mean it. " She says, looking very serious.

It scared me how serious she looked so I took her word for it. She put her ice cold hand on my cheek and I flinched a little. I looked at my hands and they were as white as snow, I chuckled slightly.

" We both look like the snow. " I say, then she giggles along with me and she gets even closer to me.

After that there wasn't much conversation, sometimes we'd just blurt out that we were cold and we'd hold each other tighter. Then I just blacked out and I think she did too. I woke up to the wind rattling the balcony window, I shook her and she woke up. My hands were so numb and red, I couldn't feel my nose either. We both stood up and we walked to the window, we looked out and it was just white. We couldn't see the town, the mountains or even the ocean.

" I can't see anything besides white out there. " Meria says, gripping my hand.

I nod, it looked brighter the more I stared outside then she looked at me. I looked back at her.

" Do you think we were out the whole night? " I ask

" Maybe..? " She responds

" I wanna go outside and see if I can see the sun, possibly. Just to give a tiny glimpse of what time it could be. " I say looking at her.

She looks a little bit concerned then she nods.

" I'll stay here, please be careful Zetheal. " She says, kissing my cheek.

Her kiss gave me a slight sense of warmth and I smiled. I kissed her cheek back. I let her keep my coat since I was only gonna be out there for a quick second. I unlocked the doors and I pushed them open. It was a little hard cause of the snow but I opened it. As soon as I stepped outside it was freezing cold, colder than the room was and I got goosebumps. Then the snow flew toward me and hit me, it almost hurt. I looked up and I saw a tiny light, but I didn't know if my eyes were playing with me. I squinted my eyes and I saw the sun for a brief second. The snow felt like tiny little darts and I went inside. I closed the door and locked it again. I was all wet and I shivered.

" The suns out so it must be light. " I say, through my clattered teeth.

" That's good but I don't want you to freeze in your wet clothes.. What do we do? " Meria asks

" I could strip but we don't have a fireplace. " I say, looking around the empty room.

Then something caught my eye, something we most likely didn't notice before. There was something in the corner of the room. I walked over to it and I saw a blanket covering something else. I lifted it up and I saw candles and there were tiny bits of wood in the box too. There wasn't anything else but candles and oddly enough tiny bits of wood.

I grabbed the blanket and I signaled Meria to come over, I handed her the blanket and I grabbed a bunch of candles. I grabbed the longest pieces of wood I could find and I sat down and Meria sat down next to me.

I stood the candles up in front of me and I rubbed the pieces of wood together really fast. It took about 10 minutes but eventually I got an ember and I put it on the candle and blew on it slowly and carefully. The candle caught flame and I was surprised it actually worked. I lit the other candles and it instantly got warmer.

We stayed up there for a few hours then we went back down to the main part of the castle, I got my punishment and my life returned to normal.

About two years later I found a book in the castle's library and it looked like a journal log. I took it back to my room and inspected it further when I was alone. Eventually I started to read it while I was alone.

It was very interesting but I had no idea who wrote it.. I tried to see if I could figure out who wrote it but I didn't get any matches. I didn't think the princess wrote it because it looked far too old to be from her since she was now 12 years old.

I only wondered whose story it was and then I got a clue and possibly my answer.

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