A kidnapping turns into a therapy session

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A/n: in this story the reader is a part of the legends and knows John for a very long time. This takes place in the second half of s3

Y/n pov:

Before I knew it, I got kidnapped. Right now I'm tied up in a chair without having a clue of where I am. However, I do see my wand on a table that's sadly out of my reach. Suddenly a sound of a door opens and my eyes go wide, it is Damien Darhk. He looks at me and smiles, "Good you're awake."

"What do you want from me?", I ask, while trying to break free, but my hands are pretty tied behind my back.

Damn, where do you learn how to knot? A summer camp? Could've become best buddies with Ray.

Damien walks to the chair in front of me and sits down. "From you? Nothing. But from someone else? Perhaps."
I look at him confused. "If you want information you should've kidnapped ray, no offense to him, but he's a terrible liar. If you want a totem, you should've kidnapped Sara, she's more valuable than I am."
Damien only looks at me in amusement and stays silent.
This is starting to get annoying.
It stays silent for a few minutes and I can't take it anymore. "Alright fine! Just tell me what you want from the legends and get it over with, this chair is starting to get uncomfortable."
Damien just chuckles and says: "Who said anything about the legends?"
"That's why you kidnapped me right?"
"Oh no, not yet."
Damien leans over. "I need a certain exorcist if you know what I mean."
Well shit, this ain't gonna be good
"What do you want from John?"
Damien leans back into the chair, "A favor, look, it's taking to long to break Mallus free and I need him to speed it up."
"And he would do that because?"
"Because if he don't, I'll kill his lover."
"Damn, who?"
Damien looks at me surprised and blinks a few times.
"Are you kidding me?"
"No..?" I look at him concerned.
"Wait so the two of you aren't together?"
"No, wait, is that why you kidnapped me?"
"What a waste of time, ya know I'm suppose to have a team meeting right now."

"Why should this be a waste of time?"
"Because no way he's gonna rescue me from you to release a demon when he already send me to hell at least 5 times."
"He did?"
"Yes, unbelievable, he always uses me as bait!"
"He's a horrible boyfriend."
"We're not together!"
"Are you sure, cause I've been observing you two for a while."
"Not the point, the point is the two of you are clearly in love."
"Not really, we tried, but didn't work."
"Why not?"
"Let's just say he cheated on me with the devil."
"No way, he did?"
"No, but they did make out."
"Still messed up."
"I know right? I was the only one trying to make something out of the two of us. And here he goes sleeping around like it's nothing. Worst part is, he slept with my captain in the 60's. How am I supposed to look at Sara now!?"
Damien just takes a sip of his tea that he got out of nowhere.
"So what are the two of you right now?"
"Friends with Benefits, with extra benefits."
"Yes, whenever one of us is stressed, we just have sex."
"That's it? Just sex? Nothing more?"
"Yup, but I do like being with him, not just the sex. John just doesn't want to take the next step."
"Have you ever tried couple therapy?"
"Yeah... He didn't show up. So I just sat alone talking to the therapist, at first he wanted my number, but then scratched that and gave me the address to the closest mental hospital."
"He ain't wrong tho. I mean, what would you do if I told you that I still like him, but he keeps pushing me away and cheated on me with the devil also send me to hell for like 5 times? Oh yeah and that he had sex in a mental hospital with my boss in the year where they weren't even born."
"Fair enough, that's really fucked up."

"Eventually, I can live with it."
What do you mean?"
"I may or may not also cheated on him when we were dating."
Damien gasps, "You did not."
"Oh yes I did."
"If I tell you, would you let me go?"
"I don't know, what if I let you go now and then 5 minutes later John shows up?"
"His problem, besides how do you know he'll come?"
Damien holds up a letter in the air, "With this letter of course."
I look at him disappointed, "You mean the letter you're holding in your hand?"
He looks at it and smiles awkwardly, "oops"

"You mean to tell me, you got me kidnapped for nothing!?"
"Alright, I'm sorry."
He stands up and goes behind me, untying me.
This feels better
"Now that I untied you, you can tell me who-"
Before he can finish the sentence, I punched him in the face and grab my wand.
"Hey, not fair."
He's about to do something, but I already held my wand up and say, "Petrificus Totalus."
Damien falls on the ground and can't move anymore. I walk up to him and bend a little to meet his face. I give him a small smile, "Don't worry, the spell will work off soon, I think. Oh and we never had this conversation, alright?"
No answer.
"Oh well, just to make sure."
I point my wand at him and he looks a bit terrified.
A string comes from his head and I put it in a small bottle. I stand up straight and walk out the door.
Untill next time, Damien Darhk

When I'm outside I have no idea where I am, so I just walk and see where the wind will take me.
I do wonder if John had rescued me if he did receive the letter.
Without looking I bump into someone, I look and see...

Speak of the devil, John Constantine

"Hello luv, mind telling me what you're doing."
"Nothing much."
He has a cigarette in his mouth that isn't lit up yet. I grab it and put it in my pocket.

John's about to protest, but I just grab his tie and say, "If you don't smoke today, I'll pay the drinks tonight."
He grins and leads the way.
While walking an idea pops up.
"Maybe I did lie about doing nothing, I've actually been through a lot and really need to relieve some stress if you know what I mean."
I give him a wink and his grin only grows wider.

Legends of Tomorrow|John Constantine x witch reader|one shots and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now