Meatings chp 1

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                                                           VIRANNAS POV        [ the italics mean there speaking Russian ]

         I was thrown into a cell after just being tortured for two hours.  My head hurt like hell .   Why am I here  I mumble . I look around the room and take in my surroundings my eyes land on two people one a mail with   brown eyes and a female with red hair. Are you all right the man asked concerned I look at him sceptically and nod my head my eyes shift to the red head I recognize her instantly "your Yelena's sister" I blurt out "shit " I curse " what you know  Yelena" she asks confused I didn't mean to say that"    I reply she opens her mouth to argue but the man interrupts care to to translate for the poor soul who doesn't know what your saying? I rolled my eyes  learn Russian Clint Natalia answers he ignored her I heard the name Yelena is that Yelena your sister? Gosh  Americans are stupid.I don't know I'm trying to figure that out she shot me a glare I glared back. Ok that is scary but do you know Yelena Bulova the man asks  I said your Yelena's sister didn't I ? So you do know my sister Natalia clarifies. Knew I haven't spoken to her sense she got out. The sound of Drackov's footsteps burning down the hallway had me whipping around. Drackovs's coming he probably  wants to talk to you. Why? the man wonderers. Because your avengers  and she is like the best black widow to ever graduate they never shut up about you   dibshit. How did-Shut up he is coming.                          

20 seconds later him and 2 soldiers arrived at the cell. I stood  up held back a whine and shuffled back into a corner. The other two stood up straight, crossed their arms and glared at him."What do you want"? Natalia asked coldly "just to talk" he answers simply she snorted "Ya right". He frowned "My Natalia the best Black Widow to graduate the Red Room, the best fighter in the Avengers,Hawkeye Natalia's  best friend, worlds best known archer and a good fighter you will make a good trainer" he finishes Nat was actually going to murder this man right then and their if he doesn't  shut up lucky for him she wanted to drag out his death. Its Natasha not Natalia and I don't belong to you or anyone she says with a deadly look in her in her greeny blue eyes. I will not make a good trainer BECAUSE WE WILL NEVER WORK FOR YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT Clint roared. We will see Drackov replies. 

He turns to me My child he grabs my chin I flinched  and instantly regretted it. He frowns again he looks me dead in the eye Turn it of. My eyes go numb as I push my emotions down. I look up completely absent of any emotion a blank emotionless weapon. He places an miny torture device I recognise from my tortures training sessions on my arm It hurts like hell but I just push down the pain. Clint steps forward and opens  his mouth to protest but Nat interrupts him Clint don't it will only make things worse for you and her Nat says but is also giving Drackov her deadliest death glares yet. Clint reluctantly steps back. For some reason he has a strong urge to protect this girl he puts it down to her reminding him of Natasha when she was in the Red Room. 

Drackove smiles wickedly at the girl. You will be one of our strongest Black Widows yet. He turns to the two Avengers She is a fantastic fighter an amazing archer and an even better assassin she will be one of the best Black Widow Agents ever he informs  the angry heros. She's a child ! Natasha fires looking ready to kill him right on the spot. Want to know her kill count it's 9- Natasha interrupts  him again. If I wanted to know that I  would have hacked your system or asked her now FUCK OF while you still have legs. He turns back to the girl. Why am I here?  she questions meaning why she was in this cell with the best Black Widow ever and her best friend and not in the shared room with the other widows. He smacks her across her face her flaming red hair getting caught in his ugly fingers. Don't speak out of turn again he warns. He snaps his fingers and one of the soldiers steps forward and hands him 2 suits. He throughs them to the girl who now has a red slap mark on her pale cheek and catches them. He then struts out like the intituled aswhole he is.


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