Chapter Eleven

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Faye sat there with her swimsuit on in the car. It was a two piece. It was white with small flowers on it. She didn't have that many designs on her body unlike Wayne. He had a good amount of tattoos on him. He had the one on his back, the one on his wrist gliding up to his hand, he had another one on his four arm and abdomen. She never really noticed them until he showed them. He drove with no shirt on and she had a long linen skirt and nothing to cover her upper body. The weather was beginning to get hotter, even though there were some days when they began to feel colder again. Wayne followed the car in front of him. He Looked over where the cliffs were and then looked over at Faye. Her hair was dancing in the wind and her eyelashes blinked slowly.

He carried a backpack with a water bottle, some towels, and some snacks that Faye made for them both. Strawberries, and yogurt, and a sandwich. They got out the car and saw the group of friends standing where the fence is. She recognised all of them and went up to Olive and Ava. They both looked at her outfit and complimented it. Faye smiled at both of them kindly and talked about her birthday and what she did. Wayne smiled at all of the guys and talked to them about the drive up and introduced himself. Joe noticed the tattoo on his back and smiled slightly.

"Alright, should we head on up?" The girls nodded their heads and began to walk up the hill. Joe and the rest of the guys talked behind them. The guys names were Chris, Lee, and Richard. They seemed to get along with Wayne quite nicely and even began to talk about football and other sports. They talked about how the Seahawks were doing pretty good and asked if they were interested in going to any of the games. Wayne was actually pretty informed about football. While his mom was sick watching football became a normal thing to him. He watched a lot of football and boxing matches with Rango.

"Then I went out with Wayne and we both went camping... I forgot where we camped but it had a pretty big lake."

"Oh that does sound like a lot of fun. Chris and I literally did nothing for my birthday. At least he got me a necklace... A cheap one. It rusted right when I went into the water. It was almost like he should've made one out of wood, would've been better for the both of us." Ava replied to Faye.

"I mean that's much better than what Richard did for me. Ugh he pissed me off during the entire party. Talking about my outfit and how it made him all jealous. I said, whatever you didn't have to come and even when you did you should've been nicer to me. He just made it miserable for me." Faye began to realise she's the only one that didn't have a party. "We were going to throw you a party... but Joe said that you didn't want one. I tell ya' we would've made it all fun for you. Then we could've met Wayne sooner." Olive heard his name and her ears rang up. "Speaking of," Olive started, "How did the two of you meet?"

Faye began to think about what kind of answered she'd give them. "Well I once saw him when I was like a little bit younger. He was working at the market the same one now. But he ended up having to leave because his mom... So he came back two years later. I had to make a delivery for Lee's cafe and so I ended up meeting him there. Eventually we just got to talking."

Olive smiled brightly and as did Ava. Ave spoke up and looked at Faye, "Oh man that's so much cooler. I met Richard at a baseball game. He wasn't even the one playing." Faye nodded her head.

"Yeah I met Chris cause' he was my neighbour. Bad idea, by the way." The girls continued to talk the entire way up there. Faye was actually really good at talking to people. She always has been. She molds her personality for the people around her. The only person she doesn't do that to nor with... is Wayne.

The girls sat down on a large log that fell over. Their legs were touching and their arms were touching too. They started asking on why Faye disconnected with the world and that was because of drama between her friend group. She didn't feel like delving into it because she felt like that was too immature for her. She realised that in order to date Wayne she herself needed to be mature enough for him. It wasn't that hard for Faye but it did make her feel much older than what she actually was. The guys had their hats on and as did Wayne. He wore a green San Francisco hat that he got from the city. His brown hair slightly sticking out in the back. His hair usually was waved back. He didn't ever try to style it. His hair was long though. Wavy and sometimes straight when there wasn't much humidity. Wayne was a handsome man, but he didn't try to be handsome. Ever since he met Faye he has been styling his hair.

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