Chapter eight: the perfect time

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A few minutes before Yeji came down, Ryujin was sitting at the table, moving her knee up and down quiclky, as she looked towards the stairs, waiting for Yeji to come down before Yeju and her mother left the kitchen.

Ryujin had not been able to find the exact moment to ask her the question that was stuck in her throat, but she knew that she could not give in to her impulses, so she had to wait, even if her mind was desperate.

But before Yeji came down, Yeju came out of the kitchen with the cutlery in her hand, to put it on the table. But the younger only put it there in the place and she immediately sat on Ryujin's legs, taking her face in her hands, to give her a kiss.

The first thing Ryujin did on impulse was to push her face back a little, while she held her girlfriend's hips tightly, to stop her.

"Yeju, we are in the table, this isn't-"

"I don't give a shit." The girl whispered close to her lips and kissed her without Ryujin being able to do anything else.

Then the kiss was short-lived when Yeju opened her eyes and saw her sister, staring at her as she approached the table.

"Oh, unnie, here you are."

Ryujin gulped and looked at Yeji, who looked at her for a few seconds, but then looked away from her.

"I'll go help mom." She said without waiting for her sister to say anything else and she walked directly to the kitchen without turning to look back at them.

But Ryujin looked at her all the way until she disappeared.

"Oops, it seems like Yeji is in a bad mood." Yeju said and smiled, then shrugged. "I'm going to the bathroom, baby. I'll be right back."

Ryujin received a peck on the lips from her girlfriend, who got up from her lap and walked to the bathroom. The short-haired girl looked at the kitchen door, as if waiting for Yeji to come out again, but this time it was her mother who came out first.

"After this, I will help you organize your clothes in the closet, don't worry." The woman said, as Yeji came behind her with the rest of the food utensils.

Yeji tried not to look at Ryujin this time, to ignore her in the same way her mother was doing it, but at times, she found it quite a difficult task.

Ryujin looked at her the entire time, without hiding, until Yeju's mother caught her attention.

"Where is Yeju?"

Yeji looked at Ryujin and Ryujin looked at the woman, who was looking at her too, she cleared her throat to answer the question.

"She's in the bathroom." She said simply and then turned her gaze back to Yeji, who immediately looked away and tried to go to the kitchen again.

But her mother stopped her.

"Don't worry, wait here. I'll bring the rest, darling." The woman told her with a smile and Yeji opened her mouth to refute, but her mother was already walking back towards the kitchen.


Come on! Do it.

"Three months." Ryujin said, in a low tone of voice, but Yeji was able to hear it.

"What?" She asked, pretending that she didn't know what Ryujin was talking about, but her heart began to pound upon hearing the exact date of their first meeting.

"Exactly three months ago you and I-"

"The queen is back!" Yeju exclaimed as she approached the table, interrupting the conversation between her girlfriend and her older sister. "Is everything ready?"

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