17: Treasure Hunt (Part 1)

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17: Treasure Hunt (Part 1)

The first thing I notice when I wake up is the smell of bacon, sight of the meal sitting on my desk following soon after. Running a hand through my tangled hair, I grab the note sitting next to the plate and read it.

Happy birthday! Hope your day goes as well as planned!

Planned? I haven't planned anything. As I finish eating, I start going through my closet. If I supposedly have plans, I might as well look nice. I have no idea what to wear. I don't have a clue what I'll end up doing. How are you supposed to pick an outfit for something you aren't prepared for?

I finally decide to just pick out something after, then head to the bathroom to get ready for the day. To my surprise, I find a box with a large bow on top sitting on the counter. I move the ribbon out of the way and remove the lid. Inside, I find an outfit. How convenient. I pull out the shirt first and admire the white, long sleeved, lace crop top with an attached tank top underneath. Next, I find a simple, black high-waisted skirt. It was a cute outfit. At the bottom of the box was another note.

Wear this. You'll find your next clue soon.

A clue. I start to put the pieces together. Someone planned a scavenger hunt for my birthday. The last time I was involved in a scavenger hunt was for my seventh birthday. After a quick shower, I put on the outfit and brush my hair. Thankfully, I don't have to curl it. Benefits to having naturally wavy hair. When I open the bathroom door, I find another box with a bow. It's a bigger box, but isn't heavy when I pick it up. Inside is a pair of black heels with a bow and another note.

You'll find the next note before you even leave your room.

I slip on the shoes before I start looking around my room. It has to be somewhere close. I look to my desk to see the tray gone. There aren't any new notes, but the first one was sitting next to my laptop. I collect all the notes, which for some reason were left behind. My gaze skims around the room before I notice something on the back of my closed door. I usually leave it opened. I thought of last night. I had closed it because Jake was staying. Jake. Oh, crap. I walk over to the door and read the note.

Hope breakfast wasn't too filling. The trip there will be long enough if you aren't too hungry. Lunch at Castle Falls. Under the name Thompson.

Lunch at Castle Falls. There aren't many people who know that I love the place. I open the door and head across the hall to guest room Jake stayed in. The bed is made and he is no where to be seen. Could he have planned all of this? It was possible. I walk down the stairs as quickly as I can in heels.

"Maria," I call out. Waiting a moment, I hear no response. I check the kitchen to find it empty. I call her name again to get no answer. I scribble a quick note to Maria before grabbing my keys and heading out the front door.

There are very few cars as I pull up. I park and head inside. The restaurant is as dead as the parking lot. The hostess smiles politely as I walk up and asks if I have a reservation. I tell her the name and she leads me back to a table. There are two seats, both empty. I sit down on one side of the table. I feel awkward sitting alone. A waiter comes by and asks me what I would like. I order my usual.

I don't expect anyone to show up by this point, but I hear a familiar voice ask, "Do you mind if I join?"

I look up at Jake and smile. "Not at all." As he sits down, I ask, "What's going on? Did you plan this?"

He smiles. "I can't tell." Before I could ask anything else, he asks, "Did you already order?"

When we finish our food, Jake pays and hands me a note that looks like the others I've gotten.

Enjoy lunch? Next is a movie. Theater by your house.

The message was vague. Would someone be there or was there a certain time or movie? I look up to see Jake is gone. So much for asking him. The car ride to the theater, even with the radio on, feels too quiet. The theater is busy and the line for tickets is long. As I look at what's playing, I hear my name called out. I turn to see Mark walking toward me.

I raise an eyebrow. "You're in on this, too? Are you the one who-"

My eyes widen as he covers my mouth with his hand. "You ask too many questions." He grins and removes his hand. "So what do you want to see?"

I stop staring at him like he's a crazy person for a minute to look back at the titles and show times. I look at him brightly. "Age of Adeline is still playing." At the sight of him cringing, I look back to the list. "Tomorrowland?" He considers my suggestion. "Or Pitch Perfect 2 is playing." His face lights up as he grabs my hand, dragging me to the desk to purchase our tickets.


I sit in my car, staring at the next clue. Mark had given it to me after the movie as we walked out to the parking lot. He left right after. The guy really doesn't like being interrogated.

Up next on your busy schedule. Didn't eat too many treats, did you? I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Right? Nearest ice cream place is where you're expected.

The nearest ice cream place is just down the street. I find Jake standing outside.

"So you and Mark," I say as I walk up. He smiles and shrugs, leading me inside. I roll my eyes. These two.

Jake doesn't say anything to me until we've both gotten our ice cream. He ordered a cone while I got a shake. We sit outside. It's not too hot, so our ice cream won't melt too quickly.

"Enjoying your shake?" I look up to see him smiling, his ice cream almost gone.

I gape at him. "How is your ice cream already almost gone?" He laughs at my expression. "What, did you swallow it whole? Dang."

It takes him a few minutes to stop laughing. I casually drink my shake and watch him, thinking that he's crazy.

He finally stops laughing. "You done with your psycho moment?"

"Yeah. I'm done." I stand up and throw away my empty cup.

"Good." I turn around to see him holding out another note to me. I look at him suspiciously. He looks like he's going to burst out laughing again. With one hand, I grab the note and read it. As I take it from him, I grab his wrist. He's not getting away so easily this time.

Shopping should be relaxing. The mall is open. That's where you'll get your next clue.

I narrow my eyes at Jake. "Why are these notes so vague?" He shrugs and smiles before he breaks out of my grip and heads towards his car. "I appreciate your help," I call out sarcastically. Getting in my car, I put the note with the others and head to the mall.

How am I supposed to get the next clue? The mall is huge. It could be anywhere. As I get closer, I decide to park at the food court, which is in the middle of the building. The food court is busier than usual. As I decide to wander around, I hear someone call my name. I look around, but everyone seems to be in their own worlds. I start to move away from the crowd when Mark runs up and slings his arm across my shoulders.

"There you are," he says, out of breath.

I raise an eyebrow. "Here I am."

He grins. "Let's go shopping."

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