Chapter 1

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Prologue - 2016

It's far too early for this, Alex thought to herself as the state-of-the-art coffee steamer whirled to life. Ugh, I could be sleeping. I should still be sleeping. Alex glances at the large analogue clock plastered on the wall over her shoulder - 6:02 AM. I should definitely still be asleep, Alex sighs. A few minutes prior - for once, uncharacteristically prompt - Alex had blindly unlocked the doors to the coffee shop on campus, trying (and failing) to stifle a yawn as she attempted to disguise her fatigue. When she'd flicked on the main lights from the socket near the door, she had almost jumped from the sudden assault on her blue eyes, before she'd adjusted - but not before cursing the pounding headache that the onslaught of light had made known.

The steamer blinked a green light at Alex in greeting. She placed her Spice Girls mug under the nozzle and pressed the button for a cappuccino. While the machine - her saving grace for these early morning shifts - fills up the mug, Alex slugs over to the collection of switches on the back wall and flicks them on, coating the cafe in a soft ambience as the static of Adele fills the otherwise silent room. The machine beeps for the end cycle as the mouth-watering smell of toasted coffee beans floats over to Alex. She hums in appreciation and picks it up, treading to the front doors, which overlook the rest of the food court. The food court is located just opposite the main entrance of the university of Cambridge and is entirely student run - by both current attendees and graduated students. Alex raises the warm mug to rest on her chin, inhaling the aroma of the much-needed coffee, observing the handful of other morning workers as they set up for the day. A few workers catch her eyes while they're moving the chairs from the tables, and they exchange a warm smile. Alex doesn't know them by name, but they will nod their head in greeting or offer a polite smile every morning.

Today marks the first day of the new term, and while Alex had been working a few shifts over the summer for a little bit of extra cash, today is the day that she'll get to meet the rest of the population. Turning to head back inside, Alex takes a sip of the beverage and opens up the 'opening checklist' folder, placing her initials against each row. With a frown, she realises that they are numbered, which they weren't on the previous sheet from last week - and haven't been all summer. As she reaches the bottom of the checklist, she notices another difference from the previous week; dotted along the 'supervisor' sign off, is the initials 'O.R.' which strikes Alex as odd because the only supervisor she knew of all summer was Tony, the one who hired her and he hadn't mentioned anyone else when she'd asked. Hm, must be new, Alex hums to herself, wondering what other surprises the day will bring.

By the time 11:42 AM rolls around, Alex feels marginally more awake. Orientation began at 9 AM sharp, and so there weren't many other living souls around the food court until about half an hour ago, after the initial welcoming had finished and the students had settled into their dorms. Now, Alex guesses that the students have a bit of free time to explore the grounds before their afternoon lectures begin for the term. She's whistling Rihanna's "California King Bed" to herself as she wipes down the back counter, when a familiar voice announces itself behind her.

"Lex, you didn't tell me that you were opening today - I nearly broke your damned door down this morning because I thought you'd died!"

"So dramatic," Alex sighs with a smile, turning around to face her flustered and most trusted friend. Alex and Samantha have been close friends since they'd become next-door neighbours at the prime age of 9 years old. Sam's bubbly personality could bring even the biggest of grouches (read: Alex, even at such a young age) to enjoy the morning sunshine, as they had linked arms and bounced off down the road to school together, their parent's trailing not too far behind. "I have a phone, y'know." She says, waving the mentioned object over the top of the counter for Sam to see.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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