The day was like any other. I had gone to practice, I may be a back up character but my part is still important.
"Hey Delia!" My friend said cheerfully.
"Hola Pablo!" I responded. "How's it going?"
"Very well, and the storm shouldn't get here till tomorrow." I informed him. Just then the lights flickered, but we brushed it off, since we were in an old building.
"Come, come!" the director yelled.
"Alright we need to go over act 1 and 2!" he said pacing the stage.
"Isn't that the whole play sir?" a voice chirped.
"What? Oh! Scene 1 and 2, hopefully 3 as well. Sorry for the confusion children." He smiled and clapped his hands. "Now... places!!" he screamed. Everyone hurried off the stage and to their places, whether it was on stage or off. When everyone was in their places; I was on the stage in the very back; the lights flickered again, but this time they stayed off for a few seconds. Like before everyone brushed it off.
"I got get someone to fix the old girl." The director muttered loudly and pinch the bridge of his nose. After going over the scenes; we did scene 4 as well! Everyone was packing up. Pablo came over to me to chat and give me his farewells.
"See you tomorrow for school, he said cheerfully.
"Yeah see you." I responded as she started to walk away. Suddenly the lights, they flicker red, then the noise of the lights bursting. As soon as that happened screams could be heard from the outside and in the halls. Deafening screeches and screams, surrounds us.
Then I hear the main door open with a soft quiet screech...