Contest #11: 7 Reasons Why | Winners

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The wait is finally over!

1) Avabalis

A terrific piece and a great take on the topic. It's all very real and very true. I love how you elaborated on your reasons. It was honestly b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! Thank you for your work of art.

2) BibliophilicMuggle

Interesting take on the topic! It was very creative and was cleverly written. Awesome work!

3) Stars_and_aces

I enjoyed your entry because it was different, in the sense that it was narrative and you told a story which was well written. Lovely!

4) LailaTarek7

Your entry was honestly superb! Loved how you kept it all in one paragraph but it was very flowing. Awesome work!

5) Ash_15_

Who doesn't love autumn? I really enjoyed how you made it into a type of poem. Thanks!

Hope you all are satisfied with the results. I really enjoyed these entries - there were lots and they were really good!

Thanks to everyone who participated, don't be sad if you didn't make it. You can always try again!

I would like to ask the winners to please PM me regarding the payment.

See you soon!

- N  

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